Medal of Honor


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Did you know that I was awarded the Medal of Honor for my service in Vietnam? Never mind the fact that I was 17 when the war ended. And you may have to overlook the fact that I have never been to Vietnam. In fact, forget about me never having been in any branch of the military. I still was awarded our nation's highest military honor.

I can now legally make that claim, however untrue it might be, thanks to the 9th Circuit Court's ruling. Pitiful, just pitiful.

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this is an outrage. This gives anyone the right to say I was there and I deserve a medal. I feel like most everyone else if someone deserves the medal of honor,silver star,bronze star etc. they should be able to make their case, but to just let any Tom, Dick, or Harry stand up 40 years after the fact (and in some cases without witness to this heroic deed) is hogwash in my opinion. Dont get me wrong, to anyone who serves or has served you have my utmost respect but Uncle Sam must be very selective to whome is awarded this medal. A WWII vet once told me that a silver star aint worth spit in a jar if you dont come home to polish it.

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