What's the biggest deer you have passed?


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Biggest whitetail with a bow was in the 150 inch class at less than ten yards on the second day of archery season. He was still in velvet and was a grand looking buck as I watched him for over 20 minutes, knowing that there were two larger buck in the area and if I shot him, my deer hunting was over for the year. Three years ago, while hunting elk, I passed on a brute of a muley that was probably over 190 inches as he stood broadside at 30 yards. I also let him walk again during rifle season when I had him at about 60 yards. Also during rifle season, on a magical day when the rut was in full swing, I never brought the rifle to my shoulder as I watched over a dozen buck in pursuit of a hot doe (several) and a couple of those buck were pushing the 160 inch mark. Looking back I sometimes wonder what I was thinking at those moments, but I do not think that I would change a thing.

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I figure I don't have enough experience with whitetails to pass any; this is especially true when I'm bowhunting. Considering I've only ever shot two bucks (one a button, the other a broken and narly 4x4), I'm usually faced with does...and me likes venison! :D However, this year I've decided that, with my bow, I'm only going to pass on spotted fawns and MAYBE spikes and 1 1/2 year old forkhorns. I don't know though, considering I've only shot one whitetail with my bow, a doe, and I lost her. I'll probably only pass on the spotted fawns. I'm more of an antelope hunter anyways. ;)

Dakota :)

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The biggest ive passed on was a giant, i mean a toad, main frame 12 that probably wouldve went in the 160's. I had him at 40 yds, in a hay field, with plenty of light....the only problem was, the 25 mph winds that day...couldn't bring myself to shoot that distance in that condition...He still haunts me in my dreams.

I pass on quite a few 130-140 inchers, mainly because they aren't mature yet (4.5 or older)....However, i shot a dink last year that only scored 122....when he came in, i thought for sure he was a mature buck just by his disposition...he looked really good from the side in the 4 seconds i had to see him, so i let it fly, and, well, live and learn.:angry:

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In the past i have let bucks pass that were pushing 120". The ones that get me are the ones that happen so fast and then you get ground shrinkage. I love the experience but just wish my trigger/release finger wouldn't have been so jumpy. LOL. This year i am raising my standards and am holding for a 130"+ even if i have to have tag soup for my buck tag.

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