10 Years on Realtree Forums.


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So im a few days early. I’m off tomorrow through the rest of the weekend and likely won’t be on the net much this weekend.

As of 08/22/2010 (Sunday) I will have been on Realtree for 10 years! Am I the first? Pretty cool regardless. I still remember the day I joined. The night before I watched a Realtree hunting show. Bill Jordan plugged the forums and the next day I joined at work just to check it out. First forums I had ever been on and pretty much the only one I’ve stuck with.

When I started at the age of 24 I had been hunting large game at least 10 years and small game much longer. It was all hands on training. little did I know there were a lot of other perspectives and ideas out there. Now at the age of 34 I can honestly say ive learned a lot on here. I have hunted with members on here, shot bows with others, had lunch with many, talked on the phone a lot (got names wrong, eh Chuck), and generally just made good friends with a great group of people.

Sadly, it hasn’t all been roses. We have lost members on here. Some have lost their lives, others had it taken. Many post their pain and sorrow for family members and even spouses. Kind of reminds you that while it’s just a little space on the World Wide Web were we all come to shoot the breeze, the world is large, people are generally good, and life stretches beyond your own personal world. Kind of humbling.

All and all gang, the memories have been great. I’ve enjoyed everything from people riding rotten trees to the ground, to members with addictions to Russian women, negative cancer results, the invent of the Overkill Gang (sorry, I meant Off the Porch Gang), surgeries some will never live down, seen people become morons, the longest thread on the forums, births of babies, marriages, first guns, first bows, first kills, and so much more. Ive talked about people and events on here enough that my wife knows a lot of you by name and or situations.

So to Ten great years on Realtree I say Thank You and God bless......

And a special thanks to Realtree and Scott for keeping the forums alive and well.

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I am a year behind you and I'd have to agree with your reflections on the website. I guess it becomes a little getaway you get used to. Sort of like going to the same campground every year because you get to know the people and their stories. A lot of people have come and gone and like William says, a lot of ups and downs.

Congrats on the milestone Jeramie!

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