Buck fiesta last evening (photos)


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Went out to the land I hunt, sat in a hedgerow with my Kodak Z612 and a tripod.

Around 7:30pm this guy came out, had to zoom in alot but I wouldn't mind putting a tag on him, love how his beams almost touch!


Then about 10 minutes later this bachelor group of 5 show up out in front of me, made for some good photos, even got a small video as well.


An 8 I've gotten on the trail cam:


Good size spike-ish buck (he has one or 2 little points on the right)


NICE 8 for the area:



Nothing massive like other states, but this is NY, and just to get some photo opportunities like this is awesome, not too mention put dibs down on who I want to put my tag on,lol:gun2::disolve::boo:

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