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I don't normally start threads like this. To be honest, I have never really had anything like this in my life. :no:

I just found out that one of my uncles has liver cancer. He just found out Friday, and is going in tomorrow to have some more tests done to see how far along it is or what needs to be done, I dunno, I just kind of went into a daze when my parents told me a little bit ago. They were over there visiting and that is when he told them.

It's pretty shocking, I have never had anyone this close to me go through something like this. I really don't know how to react, or what to say. Him and my aunt are like a second set of parents to me. I think the only way this could actually feel any worse is if it actually was my own dad or mom. He has always treated me and my sister, along with a few of our cousins like we were his own children. Growing up I stayed weeks at their house during the summer time. I grew up with all of his kids and we are more like brothers and sisters than cousins.

If you could, add him and your family to your prayers. If I feel this bad, I can't imagine what they are going through right now. :(

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Actually a buddy from nursing school, she just had surgery for colon cancer and there was a potential of liver involvement, not sure. But she's doing well, had chemo.

Cancer can be serious but it is not always a "death promise". Depending on how involved or not it is, he may just need to treatment and/or surgery. Cancer is a wait and see disease...

Wishing you and your family a good outcome!

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Thanks you everyone for the thoughts and prayers.

So far all I know is that he had to go in today to get a tube put in his side that they will use for his chemotherapy?? (not sure if I understood that right?). They had found two spots on his liver, only one of them was cancerous. All of his other tests have come back fine, so it looks like it is just the liver. I will know more later today I think.

Another hard part comes tomorrow. As I have said in the past, I have a very large family, on my moms side I have 4 uncles and 8 aunts and a ton of cousins. We are all meeting at my grandparents house tomorrow night so that they can tell everyone else.

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