Not so happy right now...

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I had to replace the fuel pump and sending unit in my truck this weekend. Well yesterday I went to fill the tank up and gas started pouring out the top of the tank. Apparently the large o-ring either fell out, cause I know I put it on before tapping the lockring in place, or it got all crooked. Either way I'm going to have the drop the tank again and check it out :bang: Seems I can't catch a break lately.


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Pull the wiring harness off the rear lights and trailer hitch. Pull 6-8 bed bolts and the filler neck of the gas tank and pick bed up and slide back.

I am assuming this is a chevy/gmc truck. 99% of the fuel pumps that ever need replacing are on them. I have never once dropped a tank with a gmc/chevy that has a bed after 6 years working at the shop.

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One thought, would you have easier access if you pull the bed off?

A few years ago we had a fuel pump go out in my Dad's '88 Chevy work truck. We ended up cutting a hole in the pickup box right above the pump to pull it out. One the best ideas I've ever had :D

But not with this one, I drive a Jimmy :helpsmilie: It's not hard getting the tank down and back in it's just very time-consuming, and I have to work all week and half of the weekend.


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