Dove Decoys?


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Kind of mixed on the kind you just stick in a tree or on a fence.

The mojo is worth every dime IMHO. We have 4 that we stick out near a power line. Towards late morning, if we're not limited out by that time, it really draws in stragglers. There have been many times where a dove will sneak in on you and nearly land on top of them, and sometimes, you can actually see them turn their heads to look at the deeks. :D

Get a couple mojos if you can afford it.

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Thats the beauty and bad part of Oklahoma, wind all the time. The dead of summer may host a week or two without wind but that is even pretty unlikely.

I like the mojo but the price is pretty high. Ive also heard the same thing about the batteries. It can be a constant fight. Walmart also has a batter operated (3- AA) that looks OK. I dont have time to order them or I might give one a try.

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