Any one grow horseradish?

Guest bowhunter56

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Guest bowhunter56

I grew some horse radish this year, the leaves are large, just wondering what to do in the fall, do i dig it all up, then replant some pcs. for next year?

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I only have 4 plants, can i dig one or two up and leave the other two alone, for next year?

Yup, sure can. Just be aware, that main tap root will tend to get pretty woody, and bitter if you let it go for more than a year or two.

Uncle Bud used to dig it up, pull off the side shoots, replant them and use the main shoot for his "sandwich spread." :eat:

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Not a problem.

Here's a link I just found. It did remind me that you might want to hold off on harvesting it until you get a good heavy frost. You don't want to use it now if it still has green growth on it. It will be pretty bitter. Uncle Bud usually dug it up in October and November as I recall.

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Chris pretty much has you covered. I never raised it myself, but when I was in high school I worked a few weeks out of the year pulling it and seperating it. If I remember correctly it was always around the end of October. It's grown quite a bit around here. Collinsville is known as the horseradish capital of the world.

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