It gives me great saddness....


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Man I literally have tears in my eyes right now reading this. I have my lab, Hemi, laying here beside me and some people might not understand but these pups are part of our families. They truly are man's best friend. No matter how bad our day has been, they are right there when we get home as happy as can be to see us. When we are feeling down, they are there to pick us up. It's true unconditional love. Sorry for your loss

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So sorry the hear that,Snapper.Its been over 2 years since I posted here and I knew there would be something sad when I did check in.I know you did the right thing in letting him go but it sure doesn't feel good to have to do it.Remember the good times you had together,don't let the last days take away from the happiness he brought you and your family.

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