What should I do?


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I am at a loss...A prime spot of my property I have hunted for going on 8 years now has gone flat. I have taken 2 lifetime bucks from this spot over the years and several average bucks. Last year, I let three decent bucks walk in hopes of them maturing this year. I haven't done anything different and as always, I remain dilligent on scent control and limited exposure. In some last minute scouting, I found zero sign! Limited track and no rubs. This is usually a place with more rubs than I can count. I always count on this spot for opening week (Sept 18) but now I don't know what to do. Should I stay hunting an area that has been great for almost a decade or should I move along? Should I try and use attractant in this area to retrieve these deer? I have found some moderate sign in other spots but this spot has always been good and offers cover, water, and food. Side note, no other hunters hunt near this spot and I have not found one bit of sign of poachers. Why would it shut down like this. OK, I am done venting....

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Man you're making a mountain out of a molehill. It's summer! Forget the rubs, just hunt it. I sure haven't seen much sign, except for around the supplemental feeders we put out. Sounds like a great spot if you've taken "lifetime" bucks there. If nothing else has changed, then plan on a great season. Rubs will come later in the year, and I'm sure you'll take another decent buck if you hunt it like you have in the past.

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Summer and fall patterns are different. Sometimes a particular spot seems to be flat only to get hot later. I don't believe I'd give up on it yet since it was hot last year. Might be the food source at that spot is different this year. If it's natural forage like acorns from oaks, they obviously won't be hitting them until the acorns hit the ground. If your spot is near a corn field the deer may be staying in the corn. That will sure change when it's cut.

Also some particular spots seem to have off years too. I have 1 in mind that during 2 consecutive years I killed 2 mature bucks and missed 1. The last 2 years I haven't seen a buck older than a 3.5 year old. Matter of fact 2 years ago I don't recall seeing a buck older than 1.5 off that stand. I'm not going to give up on it just because of that though.

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what they said. i don't start scouting until now anyway. then by the time october rolls around i figure i'm starting all over again, because as said their patterns change and it seems like they disappeared. If it's a good spot and not much at all has changed then it'll still be hot. The same bucks you saw last year should still be using it.

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  • 3 weeks later...


Well I took your guy's advice and didnt panic. I put my new trail cam up (first one i have ever used!) and left it for 5 days in my spot which I thought had gone cold. I went back this morning and changed out my memory card. On the way to my cam I jumped a spike and two hogs right near my spot. After wiping off my sweat and changing back into my work outfit, I couldnt wait anymore and threw the card into my laptop. Very first picture was of an 8 point! Not the biggest, but an 8 none the less! There were many photos of two seperate spikes and does. About 6 different photos were in daylight shooting hours. Now I am pumped again for Saturday. Im glad I didnt go tearing through the woods trying to find a new spot!

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