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Was wondering what you guys think of the "arc" technology for range finders. I am looking at them but the down side is the Nikon Archers Choice only reads out to 99 yrds. I also gun hunt and like the extra range. I have the Prostaff Nikon 550 and was looking to change...but dont know if I want to give up the range.




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personal preference i don't see any real advantage. if you range a certain tree or landmark on the ground then range it in the tree i have only had MAYBE a yard or 2 of difference at anywhere between 15 to 30 ft up. if the land mark says 20yds on the ground then if a deer steps there i shoot it at 20 yards.

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I've used the Archer's Choice Rangefinder for the last couple years and it has served me well. As for the arc feature I guess it depends on what your hunting conditions are. If your shooting 20 yards from a treestand it doesn't matter that much. I know in extreme angle instances like my elk hunt last year that it was a feature I needed, and it also helps me on longer bow shots to be more accurate. The Archer's Choice Max is coming out this fall and has a distance of 200 yards (I think) plus some other cool features, but I don't know if they have hit the stores yet.

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My leupold has the true balistic technology, which I believe is similar to what you are talking about, you may not need it or tell the difference between the two rangfinders, but when I shoot my bow I like to be spot on with the distance maybe its just me, but when I aim at a deer however far the distance I try to pick out a dime spot ( ten ringer if you must) and thats exactly where I want to hit that deer.. Like everyone said it probably wont matter that much, but this is just me being me, when it comes to hunting I invest a lot of time and money into it.

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