Shaun need some help

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we have a 2001 Chrysler concord today on our way home from a baby shower it started jerking bad the speedometer was all over the place while it was doing it it would do it when we would speed up and slow down i think ti may be bad gas in the gas tank cuz we put 10 $ in it this morning or maybe the transmission have any idea what it could be????

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The scan is where I would start. Not too sure you should try driving it too far though. If it is as bad as you say you mighy not make it to a shop or back home. I would suggest a shop which can check not just the trouble codes but data check all the computer system. If a code or fuel trim check shows up for lean fuel mixture a fuel pressure check would be next in line.

What you said about the speedometer being all over the place bothers me though. Is it varying with your actual speed? Or is it jumping all over the place at a steady speed. If your speed is somewhat steady and the speedo is really erratic you may have a failed speed sensor on the transmission. This will generally affect the shifting of the trans as well as the computer may go into a default mode which will activate the built in rev limiter. The data check and a short road test would verify this.

If you can get a fuel line disconnected you could cycle the fuel pump by turning the key on and off with someone holding the line in a clean container. Take a close look at the fuel pumped into the container. Do you see any dirt or water droplets?

It would be a shame to replace a fuel pump with all the expense and labor involved if you did get contaminated fuel.


Edited by LETMGROW
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Great advice above. Easy to test fuel pressure, just get a gage. Could be the fuel pressure reg valve, and not the pump as well. Parts cost too stinking much these days to just start swapping them without knowing for sure, which is what a lot of shops will do for you if you're not careful. Get a manual for $20 and you'll get to the bottom of it soon. A code scanner is also the best $50 you can spend for cars these days.

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Great advice above. Easy to test fuel pressure, just get a gage. Could be the fuel pressure reg valve, and not the pump as well. Parts cost too stinking much these days to just start swapping them without knowing for sure, which is what a lot of shops will do for you if you're not careful. Get a manual for $20 and you'll get to the bottom of it soon. A code scanner is also the best $50 you can spend for cars these days.

Another good piece of advice from John ;) One of the first things I do after buying a vehicle is to pick up a repair manual. And the fuel pressure is also easy to check, most cars I've been under the hood of have the test port in plain sight and easy reach.


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Yeah with the speedometer being erratic, could be the vehicle speed sensor in the transmission. Don't throw parts at it before you get it scanned. ;)

haha we wont were not mechanical clined but my bro in law works at a local shop hes gonna take care of it maybe next week deponds on how the funds look like right now its just sitting until we cana fford to get it in the shop........

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