How did you get started in taxidermy?


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Just kinda curious. I'm finishing up my Associates Degree in Business Administration and am then thinking of going to Vermilion Community College in Ely, MN for their one semester long Taxidermy program. Then, of course, I want to open up my own studio. How did all of you taxidermists get started and do you have any advice? Thanks!

Dakota :)

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I don't have a taxidermy studio, but I do make Custom Fishing rods. Same rules apply, though...

You would probably want to start by 1st finding out what it is going to take to get your buissness license. That will depend on your state, county and possibly the town you live in. From there, start finding what you want to specialize in. It would be great to be able to do everything, but you have to start somewhere.

Get some buissness cards made up. Get some flyers made up. Hand out some cards, put up some flyers. The boards at sporting goods stores are a good place to start. Then get some friends and family to commit to buissness.

Start mounting your works of art. Make sure your mounts are always top notch. Customer service should always be your # 1 priority. Fast turn around doesn't always mean good customer service. Top notch product and honesty will always put you at the top of your customers contact list.


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Thanks for the advice, Mike! I think I'm going to specialize in antelope, deer and other big game. I'm hoping to visit Vermilion in the spring and see what the courses and the students' mounts look like. My taxidermist said that when spring comes he'll show me how to mount a deer so I at least have an idea of what to do when school comes around. Fortunately, I've got a skull of a broken up 4x4 that I shot in 2007 (shot it in November, we couldn't find it and my buddy found it the next April while checking for calves on the ranch) that I can use; I've been wanting to get it mounted for a while now, too. So...I'm looking forward to the spring! :D

In the meantime I've been visiting taxidermy forums, have ordered a couple of books off Amazon, am hoping to get a DVD (how to mount a whitetail step-by-step) for Christmas (in addition to more money to pay for my mounts lol) and been watching my taxidermist and his assistant work in their shop.

Dakota :)

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I had wanted to learn how to do taxidermy since I was a kid, so I looked around at several taxidermists until I found one whose mounts I liked. Then I traded work for knowledge. I split firewood, helped with bills, gathered driftwood, got new clients, etc. all in exchange for him teaching me how to mount critters. This summer, I built my own shop, and now, I'm in the final stages of gathering my tools to start work. I'm about $500 away from having everything I need.

It started out as a hobby. Now, I'm looking at it as a part time job to pay for my own mounts and my hunting addiction.

Edited by TN Bucknasty
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hey man i was going to help the guy that is doing mine but after he was going to leave he said he dont want anyone to learn from him to work on there own stuff and then make a biz out of it

I can't say as I really blame the guy. It would be like training your competition. I guarantee there is someone out there who can help you though if you really want to learn.

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Well Dakota, heres why i did it...This economy sucks in a thousand big ways; however, the majority of hunters arent going to sit back and pout about it - they will still be in the woods chasing whatever it is that gets their blood pumping. I've been wanting to learn for years, and finally had the best and perfect opportunity to learn...So i went to a week long school. Now i have the knowledge, notes, video and personal resources to continue learning and practicing taxidermy/ wildlife art.

In terms of getting business - my plan is to (once i get good enough and confident enough to build a customer base) get permission to hang some of my mounts in a local or a few local bow shops...let people see my work, and have my card or phone number available to them.

The deal is, most hunters already have a main taxidermist they go to, regardless of price - they have been going to him/her for years. But with the giant increase of new hunters every year, they are going to "shop around"...I plan on grabbing a few people each season, and making them keep coming back.

This is not a career as of now, but it sure is great side work for winter, and a great way to increase residual income while building a customer base that keeps coming back.

Good luck, and i'll post my pic of my first mount once i get his nostrils, nose pad and eyes done.


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That all sounds pretty cool. My one question is that how much money does it take to get it all started. I may not open my own shop, but I would really enjoy to start mounting my own animals just to save myself some money. If i get good enough who knows.

That all depends on what you want to mount. I do mammals only and bought all of my tools for about $3,000, but that includes a $1,200 fleshing machine. a band saw, a router, etc. On the other hand, I also saved a lot of $ by building some of my own tools. You can get away without a lot of the more expensive stuff if you're not going to be doing much work. You could probably set yourself up to do your own mammals for under $1,000 including your chemicals. You can plan on it being pretty difficult without the big ticket tools, but it can be done.

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