Thinking about switching Broadheads


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A few weeks left until our season opens, and I am thinking about changing broadheads for deer.

I have used Rocky Mtn premiers for a few years & would like to try something different..

I am currently using 100 gr heads. My archery shop had a close out of some 125 gr Snypers, I got 2 packs for $18.

I have always like the Steelhead expandables & am considering these..

Has anyone used either???? Thoughts??

I have tried shooting 125 field tips in place of 100 gr & didn't notice much difference to 35 yards, so that shouldn't be an issue..

Any input would be greatly appreciated..


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I like Muzzys or Slick tricks. This will be my third year using the muzzy 4 blade and I have shot a mule deer and a black bear with them and the arrow went clean through and it didn't take long for them to drop. The muzzys are cheaper than the slick stricks, altough the slick tricks aren't very expensive either. They will do just fine for any North American game!

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  JohnVaca said:
I was happy with Rage, but had to make the switch to a fixed blade broad head. I bought the G5 Strikers - 100gr. They fly perfect and literally punch the same holes as my field points do.

Headed west for Elk on the 11th. Very confident in the set up I have chose.

I gave up my Rage broadheads also. Give Slick Tricks a try, they fly just like Strikers but are $10 less per pack.

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  Dakota said:
Personally, I think you can't go wrong with Rage broadheads. ;) But let us know how these work for you! :cool:

Dakota :)

Actually the Snypers are the predecessors of the Rage heads, this isn't a bash on rage either as I have used the Rage 2 blade and had very good results with them. But truth be told the design of the Snyper and the gator is actually better than the rage in that it uses no O ring.

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my first thought is why do you want to change? if you have had good sucess with your current broadhead, then why mess with a good thing.

i dont see why the broadhead you want to go to wont do a good job as long as its accurate and you put it in the right spot. but we all know if they all go in the right spot, they all work.;):D

i was alos going to change to a heavier head this season, but after thinking about it, i went back to the smae old Muzzy 100s. they are deadly accurate out of my setups and seem so easy for me to tune.

you only have a few weeks, better get them set up to determine if they are accurate out of your bow.


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  RangerClay said:
I gave up my Rage broadheads also. Give Slick Tricks a try, they fly just like Strikers but are $10 less per pack.

Yep they do. I've shot the Strikers too.

I got a passthrough on the eland bull I shot in South Africa with a 125gr Slicktrick Standard last week. Eland are as big as moose. This is a huge animal. Passthroughs on them with a bow are not common. I'm seriously impressed with these broadheads. I'll post the video in a couple days.

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yea i know man was looking at them they are way to expensive for me man i think if i was to go back to the rage it would be the rage 100gr 2 blade the three blade i had last year one of the blades did not open on it and i did not like that went to the slick tricks for this year whot them last year just did not have any deer close to shoot them at them

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