Stitches and a couple days off work...........


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Went to do a tiny glass job on the hull of my boat last evening. The lid of the resin can was stuck on. Got it off with channel locks and there was a plug of hardened glass in the neck of the can. So I started digging/prying at it with a screwdriver. Then the side tore out of the neck and rolled a triangle of metal out and around. (Who can't see what's coming next??? Evidently I couldn't) I started to dig at the hardened glass again and the screwdriver slipped, sending the backs of my right ring and pinkie fingers right across the torn out metal flap. I left a better bloodtrail from the carport to the back door than some of the deer I've shot. :D The Mrs. wrapped them and off to the E.R. I go. 7 stitches in the middle finger and 5 on the pinkie.

Stupid, stupid, stupid!!!!!!!!!!!

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I hope you heal quickly Don. Have a bottle of the fermented raspberry juice and it will heal even quicker. :D

Now how in the heck did you know I had just popped an '08 red raspberry in the fridge to chill off???????????? :confused: :jaw:

Self-medication can be quite effective at times.


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