I am a LOSER.....


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Well I finally did it----All my gear packed--up at 4am--hour drive to the spot. Dress in the field. Take the bow out of the case.

NO ARROWS frown.gif

I had hunted in the rain on my last day out and took the arrows out of the quiver for everything to dry and put a little oil on the mechanical heads--forgot to put them back in. Talk about a stupid move.

I just kept staring inside my case expecting them to magically appear---oh well---I went to the stand anyway and didn't see anything but only stayed for about an hour after shooting light. I wanted to leave before anything showed up so I wouldn't feel any worse.

I can now be elected the new President of the Moron Club---Buckee, step aside grin.gif


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Re: I am a LOSER.....

I did something like that, I got up last week and headed out in the am and got dressed and went to get my stand out of the bed of the truck confused.gifwell no stand I had thought some one stole it, after I drove back home (I only across the street) it wasn't there. So I went back over to the field and decided I was going to sit in one of the fixed stands, as daylight came I looked over at the tree I was at the previous night and low and behold there was my climber. I felt like such an **** tongue.gif

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Re: I am a LOSER.....

LOL, glad its not only me that does this stuff. It was 8 years ago, just after my son was born. My wife, son and I drove to my sisters in Guthrie OK so I could bowhunt. Stopped at the archery store in Shawnee, saw some nice treestands and thought.....did I pack mine? NOPE! It was back in Gore OK, almost 2 hours away. Thank god for credit cards and a loving wife. Got a new stand and killed my first buck ever with a bow that weekend. What an experience. Take care, Greg

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Re: I am a LOSER.....

LOL, he hooked me up with the stand. I betcha he would have cut me some arrows if I had needed them. He's a perfectionist so I'm pretty confident in things he suggests or uses himself. My wife and I spent the night at Phil and Brendas home a year or so ago. A great experience. Got up the next morning and shot 3D at the course they've set up at their home. A good weekend. Hopefully we can do it again soon. If you stop by Tabes tell him Greg Thomas from Gore said Hi. I like hunting in that area but live quite a ways away and wouldn't do it for just a 1 day hunt. Maybe I can make it to my sisters again this year. They live in Mulhall now, right by where I shot my first deer. I may have to make a roadtrip. They've got many small farms with winter wheat in that area so I'm sure deer would be plentiful. I guess I've gotten too complacent in my area so I'm not as apt to travel now. Maybe I should make it a priority this year. I'll let you know if I do. Maybe we could hunt together for a day or so. Take care, Greg

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