Gonna be making the switch!!


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The other night I won a brand new Mathews Outback at a banquet so it looks like I will be leaving the Hoyt Fraternity:D. I didnt have time to get it set up before I went to school so it looks like my Hoyt will have season left to get the job done. Lets hear from some current/former Outback shooters...good bow?:D

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don't listen to these hater they don't have the money to buy a Mathews you are a lucky man to win a fine bow like a Mathews you will love it good luck this hunting season

Don't have the money to buy a Mathews???? This makes absolutely no sense, being that both brands have models that are generally priced within $100 of each other. And which one is more expensive can vary from shop to shop.

To the OP: Congrats on the new bow! I say keep both, that way you have no chance of future regret.

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Lets try and keep this civil and stay on topic people. He wanted to know about the outback and so far not one person has answered his question.

Jorden, the best I can recall, the outback was a pretty decent bow. I suggest treating it like any other bow purchase and shoot both of the ones you have to see which one you like better. No matter which one you choose you have a solid back up bow. Good luck with your choice.

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Dang all the conflict over a brand of bows! WOW! i guess your only popular if you have either or well i dont i have a fred bear Realtree Xtreme the same ones the guys from Realtree shot in Monster Bucks 10 yes thats right and i kill just as many deer with it as i would a hoyt or a mathews its not the brand name its how you sight it in and the hunter shooting it!


Edited by BrandonBowling21
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Brandon, one thing you have to realize is that we all know that it's the shooter and how the bow is setup that matters rather than the brand of bow. But there is, at the same time, a friendly rivalry between the Hoyt and Mathews shooters on the forum. We're joking around with eachother, that's all it is. ;)

Dakota :)

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i know that dakota and so was i having fun but then again people shouldnt pick on people for not having the money to buy a mathews! Regardless its all about hunting in general!!! I would love to buy a hoyt but cant do to bills,family,and schooling but im still stinging deer with the old old old old Fred Bear Team Realtree Xtreme bow! so hes a lucky guy to get a mathews indeed and even luckier to have a hoyt! But i still dont think anyone has answered his question about that type of Mathews!


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