Team #3

Hunt or be Hunted

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Started in a spot my uncle had seen tons of squirrels but didnt have any shot opportunity so i decided to set up in there they were cutting hard in a pig nut tree saw about 5 or 6 between 6-15-7:00 with no shots 7 30 rolls around and i hear sumthign behind me i take a look and bam a squirrel was sittign there looking straight at me i froze he went behind a tree got my gun up he came back around and took the 5 yard shot he is on the left


about 40 minutes later his lil brother showed up on the right same tree except he was in a branch about 15 feet in the air shouldn't have taken the shot but i did any ways and got lucky did get 2 more shot opportunity's but couldn't connect on the first one did on the second one but couldn't have been a good shot he fell from about 50 feet in the air but when i went to go retrive him he was no were to be found serched the remaining 2.5 hours i had left in the woods before my ride came to pick me up and take me back to the cabin ....... tail on my first one is 11.1 tail on the second one was 10.2

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