Team 17....Venison Vandals


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Hey guys, finally connected with a spooky doe yesterday morning. It was 29 degrees with wind chill of about 21. Was sitting in stand and sun was in my eyes, she spotted the reflection off of my binoculars. She kept looking toward me every couple steps. She stopped about 50 yards out and WHAM, she hit the ground. Will post more on the story later when I can get pics posted.

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congrats on the doe,

i havent been in here in a while, been playing santa of fed-ex, been working long hours and havent had but a few days to hunt this month, im hoping when this months over i can do some hunting, right now even a doe would be nice...

Thanks, I know the feeling of working so much. I haven't been out much either because of work. Hopefully after the holiday season you can get out. Good luck.

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I have hunted hard and don't think I have seen but about 12 deer all season. This has been the worst year I have ever had deer hunting,I think the extensive logging has had a bad effect on the deer in the area. I did stick a doe a few weeks ago but hit a little high and couldn't find her. I hunted blackpowder season wich just ended Sunday and didn't see or here a deer. It's hard to sit out in the 10s deg cold ice knowing your not gonna see anything, I may be done for the season but may change my mind if it warms up some and the kids and wife start driveing me crazy. Congrats to everyone who connected this season.

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