Team 15


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Whats up fellas? You guys have your buck picked out for this Fall? I have a couple scoped out but fear they may be gone by the start of the season. We'll see.

How goes it Toddy?

as of right now I don't have my buck picked out.......

Due to ALL the crazy rain we had earlier this year my hunting is going to be very different than in years past. The crossing to get to one side of our hunting property is gone.......So the 5 acres of food plots we normal have over there are not going to happen......I am not sure what will happen this year......Had some good bucks make it through the season last year so i know there should be a couple around......

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Nothing picked out here either. I don't have any private land to hunt around here. I do have my uncles place but that is about an hour and a half away, so I won't get out there a ton. I can hunt state land, but I usually only get out there once or many hunters out there, not to mention that is a 40 minute drive one way. My early season are usually pretty slow. Along with the lack of hunting land, I also have classes to take. I schedule them so that as soon as the gun opener is here, I am done for the semester so the first month of the season I concentrate more on that. Once November gets here I am done with that semester and I set my sights on the gun opener in the U.P. on Nov. 15th. Always a good time, and usually see a lot of deer. I am going all bow this year so I can;t guarantee anything. I'm just looking to have fun as always and here some great hunting stories.

Anyone here for the rest of the team? Anyone have any ideas for a team name?

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Got some cool pics of a buck I call "Spike" off my cam this morning. He's shedding his velvet and has some hanging in his face. Pretty cool. He has 4pts on one side and a big tall spike on the other with a couple little stickers. I also have a 9pt that is still in velvet but not sure what to do with him. He needs another year but when I do that I never see them again the next year. We'll see.

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Not feeling very inspired for coming up with a team name right now but I'm good with whatever you guys want. I've been so busy lately I haven't checked in in a while. Hope to have some extra time off to hunt this Fall. Season starts in a week and a half and I'm just about ready. Gonna do a little scouting on another property this weekend and I'll be ready to put some backstraps on tha ground!!!

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BONEafied killers sounds good to me.

Season opens here on Friday. Not sure if I'll get out though. The fall semester started a week ago and it usually takes a week or two for me to get into a routine. aFter that I should be OK. I've already started the count down to our Nov. 15th gun opener, we will be leaving a few days before it opens. Looks forward to that trip more than anything during the year.

Good luck to everyone.

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