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I haven't even made it out yet. I have a decent size piece of woods behind our house. There is also a good size field. I'd say the woods is around 30 acres and the field is around 25. I can't hunt the large peice of woods, but there is also small little area which is around 1-2 acres of woods. This is right at the edge of our property and belongs to the guy who lives behind us. I know he'll let me hunt there. It doesn't seem like much, but I think I might throw a blind up in there. I have been getting pictures of a few does that like to travel through there pretty consistantly since around the end of July. A week or so ago I go a picture of a nice 9 pointer in that same little area, and then a few days ago I watched him cross that field in the evening. Most of the pics are at night, but sometimes I'll catch them in there early in the mornings around 8 or 9am. I might try it, but it isn't oing to be easy to see them during the day, but it is worth a shot. What do you think?? Here is a picture of the land:

The yellow is our house, the red dot is where the camera is set up and around where I want to set the blind up. I think they just use it as cover traveling to our ponds and gardens.


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Saw a new mature buck in the field behind the house Sunday night right before dark. He's at least an 8pt but I couldn't be for sure. He has a pretty nice size rack from what I could tell but he's a huge bodied deer. Gonna move my camera to see if I can get some pics of this guy and try an set up on him. We get 3 buck tags so I have a chance to upgrade our points if possible!

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Sorry to say....i have not yet hunting....heck still haven't got my tags. I'm hoping to get out this weekend.

Lee I would say give it a try there behind your house......Good luck!

Lol, I'm with you, Todd. :D Still need to get the tags; I've been focusing mostly on waterfowl, antelope and, now, pheasants lately.

Dakota :)

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Go get em Todd!

I shot a doe Saturday. Doesn't give us any extra points but it was good putting more backstraps in the freezer! Saw a nice buck in the field last night when I was coming out from my stand. Was enough moon light to see him in the bino's. My wife was texting me the whole time that he was in the field. Picked the wrong stand last night I guess. Oh well, season is still young!

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Hey guys, still haven't been out. I spent most of last week in wisconsin/illinois. My dad talked to our neigbor and got the OK for me to set up a blind in that small piece of woods I mentioned before. I'll be doing that tomorrow and will give it a few days before I hunt it. I also went and bought myslef a new toy today. Picked up a Mathews Z7. I couldn't help it, I shot it a few times and had to have it :D I am going strictly bow this year now. It'll be a bit tougher, but it should be fun.

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Sorry guys, I still haven't made it out, and it looks like it will be another week before I do. I had posted in the lounge about my uncle having cancer. Well he passed away yesterday evening. I'll be spending most of the weekend and some of next week over my aunts and cousins houses. I was invited to go up to a friends place either next weekend or the weekend after, right around the rut. After going through this, I may have to go just to get away from everything and clear my head in the stand.

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sorry to hear about your uncle Lee....... Hunting time always helps clear my mind.....

My hunting time has been so limited this year its not even funny. Its very frustrating actually......Seems something is going on every night of every day :(:(:(

This weekend if full of weddings and birthday parties......hoping to get out some in the mornings but evenings look shot.......

It should be time to be out so if you all have a chance get on out! I know I am trying....

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Still haven't been out. Checked the cam today and so far I have at least 3 bucks roaming around back there. One looks pretty decent, I counted 9 points in the picture, the other two are smaller, one is either a 5 or 6 and the other one is what looks to be a 7. Those, along with the doe's that have been around pretty regularly should make it a pretty good spot. One of the bucks has started a scrape back there, not sure if multiple bucks will work the same scrape? I put a scrape dripper there to see if it works. I am going out tomorrow morning and setting up a stand. I planned on putting a blind out there but I found a few nice tree that will easily hold my two man stand. Oh, I also found this small rub in that same little area. looks pretty fresh, and I don't remember seeing it around before.


Oh yeah, and I finally bought my license today too! lol

Edited by Michiganbowhunter_SQ2
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