Team 15


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Made it out again tonight...and I got skunked again tonight :D. With this stand it is going to be hit or miss. Where I am sitting isn't a high traffic deer area, and they don't show up during the day every time. It is pretty much a guessing game. Combine that with not wanting to over hunt the stand (even though the wind is perfect for this stand just about EVERY day) it make for a big challenge. I'll probably hunt it 2 or 3 more times before heading up to the Upper Peninsula for the gun opener a week from today. Either way, how can you not enjoy sitting in a tree when you have a view like this:

To my left:


Not quite straight forward(cleaned out a lot of those small trees and branches in the middle of the picture)


And this is directly in front:


I have no shot to my right, and if they come from that way, they will end up in a shooting lane straight ahead.

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Hmm. I still can't see the pics, both here, or the link (just takes me to a blank page). Obviously it is something on our end, I think, or else JWCA would not have give you the points for it. I have tried my laptop, desktop, phone and ipad. Did you save them to a photo-hosting site like photobucket, or here at realtree? I really want to see this deer :D If you want you can email them to me and I'll post them for the team to see. [email protected]

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Congratulations Mike! I can't see the pics either but as long as we got the points that's cool!

Keep at it guys. It's getting prime time. Big bucks are being seen and starting to fall around here. Just waiting on my turn. I found a sick scrape line at my club Sat. and plan to hunt it tomorrow with a NW wind. Hope I find out who's making the scrapes!

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Well team, I am outta here!! Getting ready to pack up the truck and head up to the U.P. for the gun opener. We will be leaving early in the morning around 3 and coming home next Wednesday or Thursday. I get pretty decent cell phone reception up there, so if I can I'll upload some pics (hopefully some of a deer on the ground :))

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Team 15

I can see it now Mike, awesome buck congrats.

I got us another 5 points last night. I thought it was a doe, turned out to be a button :(. Sitting in the blind rightnow for one last evening hunt, got a nice 8 on the trail cam a couple nights ago. Hoping he shows up tonight before dark

My view:


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Well team, I made it home last night. Was to tired to post much. Had a good time up there as usual. I set my 2 trail cams out and got some good pics. I had one picture of a really nice 8 point out in front of my stand, but it was at night, actually most of the decent deer we got on cam were at night. We bow hunted a few days but had no luck. Actually I missed judged the distance on one and shot under it, but it was fun anyways. Opening day was on Monday the 15th, and I shot my deer at around 3 that afternoon. I hunted pretty hard after that hoping that the 9 pointer would slip up and show himself during the day, but he didn't. My dad took a doe that same day..he shot about an hour before I did. He didn't think he got it because he couldn't find any blood, but when he described the shot to me I thought it sounded good from how he said it reacted at the shot. Sure enough, he went back out the next morning and found her about 15 yards into the woods from where she ran off the field. It was a perfect shot, slightly quartering away at about 300 yards and it came out right behind the shoulder through the heart. It was in the high 20s low 30s at night and high 30s the day he shot it so it didn't go to waste. Overall it was a good trip, with a few bumps in the road.

Here is a pic of the 8pt I got on camera right in front of where I had my blind (25 yards away):


Took this picture when driving home, this is a really nice 9:


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great buck Mike...

Well guys sorry haven't been around this past week I was off hunting.......and sadly hunting was TERRIBLE!!! This has to be the worst nov rifle season I have ever had........Hunted almost all day for over a week and didn't see squat to shoot. yeah I saw plenty of deer just no big or mature bucks. Heck MO has a 4 point restriction and only saw a couple that met that standard. Which is really odd cause during bow season leading up to our rifle season I was seeing plenty of bucks. Oh well that is just part of hunting....

Still have ML season in late Dec and the rest of the year for archery so hopefully something happens.....

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Guest TennesseeTurkey

Hey guys Im still alive and I got one this morning, I killed a decent 7. I would post a pic here but dial up at the in laws takes FOREVER.... I posted a pic in the deer room Im about to go submit it in the deer contest

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Hey guys Im still alive and I got one this morning, I killed a decent 7. I would post a pic here but dial up at the in laws takes FOREVER.... I posted a pic in the deer room Im about to go submit it in the deer contest

Congrats dude on a great buck. Hope all is well in your world and you had a heck of a Thanksgiving!

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