Team 14....The Twang and Bang Club


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Whats up Everyone....Good Luck to you all this Season. My team won this thing a few years ago. Maybe we can do it again. My first day of Bowhunting doesnt start until October 16th. Pictures on the trail cams havent been too promising but them does always bring the bucks into the swamp come pre rut. Good luck again...

Ideas for a team name?

Booner Bandits

Death from Above

Whitetail Dreams

Just a couple just made up

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Team muleyman :D JKJK

I AAALLLLMOOOST had a muley buck last night, had 3 bucks at 65 yards but then they spooked. I have had a few close ones, had a doe at 40 yards but never drew back quit enough. a few other things but i have 4 tags to fill so lets win this thing guys. Good luck to all of you guys.

After we make a team name, do u guys want me to make a sig for us?

I like the name booner bandits..ill keep thinkin but nothin besides shawns ideas come too mind lol

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Checking in boys.

Deer, hunting and trapping spoken 365 here in this home.

Making the jump to Traditional archery this season. The Mathews will stay home if I can help it. Looking forward to this coming season. The trail cam pics look promising.

Just back from some crow hunting this weekend. What a blast.

Any team name is good with me.

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I'm here now guys. The name sounds awesome, looking forward to seeing the sig. I didn't do well last year, got a six pointer, and I was on the winning team the year before with a 11 pointer. Since the ministry cut back on anterless tags this year we ended up with 1 for 10. Compared to the 1 for 1 before, its bucks only for me.

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Should of had five points today. I have to look for a deer in the morning. Had a doe at 21 yards. Put the pin on her and twang smack! Right through the backstraps. She jumped the string. :(

I had another doe coming in earlier and was waiting for her to get broadside. When she did i went to draw only to see a spike buck right under me looking up. He didn't spook, but it put the kibosh to drawing on the doe.

I had "Peggar" at killing distance broadside twice. One again the three legged doe got a pass.

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