Team 10....Backstrap Bandits


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Went out saturday trying to shoot a doe. Saw 6 does and fawns and two small bucks but a group of turkeys kept scaring them all away. Finally had a doe and fawn come out to the field but walked past at 50 yards. Something spooked them into the woods and they came out a little while later and came even closer but still to far at 45 yards. Guess I will have to start practicing my 40-50 yard shots more. I wont be back out until next weekend so hopefully the weather will be good.

Good luck to everyone!!

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Well team our season opens tomorrow (Friday) but it looks like I'm going to have to wait and go Sat. morning... Have to work tell noon Friday and I also have folks coming to the shop to pick up there bows that I have ready and what not so they can hit the woods this weekend...

A real good friend of ours is going to be hunting with me this year. She had lost her husband vern due to cancer 3 months ago...

She'll be bow hunting the most part and she is ready to go...

It's her way to keep her lost off of her mind...

I've got some dandy bucks on trail cam so let the games begin...

Best of luck to all...


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Cograts on the Doe PotashRLS...

Well Team I had a super nice mature 11 pointer come in on a trail I was hunting this morning.

I stopped him at 30 yards and when I released he jumped string on me...

Verly Shot under him...Missing Him clean...

I was pretty stoked about it but on the other hand I was pretty excited...

I'm heading out to another stand in the morning were I have a wide double drop tine Buck livin'...

Just on a note... Our Muzzleloader season opens next weekend...

Things here are alittle slow but they should pick up real soon...

Best of luck to all...


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Well team...i smoked a doe on opening day, back on friday october need to put her on the board though, as im confident i'll smoke a few more slick heads and hopefully a bruiser....I also dusted a big ole long beard out of my ground blind on wednesday the 6th, but i don't think that counts for any points, however, them suckers get me shakin more than most big bucks....its stupid, but i can't explain it....

anyhow, just checkin in and updating...Good luck team,and be safe!


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Congrats on the deer so far folks.

I am trying to get my doe pics off my brother's camera but he is "always busy". He doesn't have internet so he can't email them to me.

Anyway, I saw 7 different bucks this past weekend during Wisconsin's Antlerless Firearm Season. One has a 5" Droptine. I am hoping to get some tree time here shortly.

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Another buck for the Backstrap Bandits!!

I run a Grim Reaper through this guy Friday. He is a 2 1/2 yr. old 9 Point with a drop! His antlers are unique as heck so I couldn't pass him up. He only dressed 168lbs but was fully rutted up with a huge neck. He absolutely REAKED of rut. His hocks were greenish brown and nasty. He came in with ears layed back and hair up. I nailed him at 12yds and the celebration began.

I wish everyone good luck.



Edited by PotashRLS
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Awesome lookin' Buck there buddy...

Congrats to ya...


Another buck for the Backstrap Bandits!!

I run a Grim Reaper through this guy Friday. He is a 2 1/2 yr. old 9 Point with a drop! His antlers are unique as heck so I couldn't pass him up. He only dressed 168lbs but was fully rutted up with a huge neck. He absolutely REAKED of rut. His hocks were greenish brown and nasty. He came in with ears layed back and hair up. I nailed him at 12yds and the celebration began.

I wish everyone good luck.



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Well Team the Deer are just now starting to move good...

After this morning hunt I was heading to Town for some breakfast and wouldn't you no it...This guy was out in front of me when I took this picture...

I eased up and was able to take a good look at him...

He either has 16 or eighteen points...

Hope yall can see him ok in this pic...


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