Team 10....Backstrap Bandits


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Welp guys I took off work all week to hunt in the mountians down here, It been hot, cold, good, bad and crazy....

I ended up finding a spot right next to camp, We had seen a good buck in there and I was willing to give it a look.. I found a few good trails that were on the edge of a creek where there was a hardwood bottom on the side of a tall pine plantation... I hunted it one evening and seen a big bodied deer in there and deicided to hunt it the next morning I slept in and slip into the stand around 8:30, I sat there for what seemed like ever and didnt see anything until 3:29 I heard something trotting up around me....

I stood up to see a good buck right behind my tree... I got my bow ready to looked him over and studied the shot, The buck was standing quartering to me a touch at 26 yds, I drew my bow back and took my shot, I hit the buck just a smiggen back, but still a solid liver shot... The buck kicked up and trotted 5 yds and started walking, blood pouring from both sides, I gathered another arrow and got ready again.... He walks right out in front of me broadside 22 yds... I drew back and stopped him and absolutely smoked him right behind the shoulder... The buck kicked up and ran 65 yds and stopped, Blood still pouring from both sides, waiting for the buck to tip over he then walked off... I heard the buck crash out.... then get back up and crash out again... then back up and crashed out again.... This went on for 40 mins....

Puzzled and questioning my shots I backed out and went to my in-laws and came back with my wife and father in-law and 2 dogs... found puddles and puddles of blood both arrows soaked.... we followed the blood for 150 yds til it went to nothing.... we decieded to back out and come back the next morning....

We came back to the spot around 8 the next morning and followed blood for another 100 yds til it completely stopped.... My wife and I then zig-zagged the whole area until 3 that evening and gave up....

The day after that I was at my camp shooting my bow getting ready for a midday hunt, I noticed a buzzard flying solo real low circling an area that we didnt look... I then gave it one last shot I zig-zagged that area for 2 hrs... I gave up all hope completely and was headed back to the truck threw the woods....

I blew up about 15 buzzards off the ground, I began running and jumping over the briars and thick stuff.... I jumped one last time to see the bucks main beam sticking up.... In total confusion the buck ended up making it 3/4 of a mile from where I shot him....

He is a main frame 10 pt, with a split G2... He scores 132 6/8".... The coyotes and buzzards had got the best of him but I still was able to salvage the head.... Both shots were exactly where I had remembered them to be.... These are the pics of the buck and where the arrows came out of him.....

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well team, it looks as though things are starting to heat up...congrats to all on the deer harvested!!! Well done team! Since my last update, i whacked another mature doe (which i posted a video of in the bowhunting room about 2 1/2 weeks ago) and i dusted my first coyote with a bow on Nov 2nd...I have been hunting hard and passing on a lot of deer - one of which was a 3 1/2 year old 11 pointer (typical 5 x 5 with a split G3)...I got great footage of him, saturating his tarsals, raking the crap out of a tree bigger than a 2 liter bottle at 14 yds etc. but am in the process of marketing it to a few producers so i won't you tube it yet....Im confident i will strike, its just a matter of where and when!

Good luck team and keep up the good work!


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What a great buck struttinhoyt! Congratulations!

I got back from gun hunting over the weekend, nothing yet. Deer movement was slow and when it did pick up, all I seen was small spikes chasing does that showed no interest. Its almost like the rut never peaked here.

No headgear to shoot at and this was on 80 acres of private land with 2 other guys who didn't see anything.

Going to try another spot this weekend with my gun before bow season starts back up.

Good luck team and congrats to those that have had success already.

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Sorry to hear season was slow Jorden. Gun season in Wisconsin is usually hit or miss anyway unless you have a ton of acreage locked up. I shot a 2 1/2, 8pt. on Tuesday of season with my muzzleloader east of Green Bay in the shotgun only metro unit. I left work early and had had him by 3:15. Blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while.

Don't forget to post your deer if you killed one so we can see if we have a chance this year or not. There is a lot of hunting left so good luck to everyone.

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Well team, i'll sum up the last 2 weeks of my season...I smoked another mature doe on the 17th (2 days before the firearm opener here in IL)...I finally started seeing some good rutting activity on sunday 11/14/10...until then, it was slow, so i knew i needed to get in the woods...which is what i did all week, i smoked this big doe which came in with 5 other does in a pretty hurried way, so i thought for sure a big guy was behind them........................nope........nothing...Went out the first morning of firearm season in IL, and i was in Coles county....I had my first encounter with a mature buck all year, at 75-80 yds...A true giant illinois 10 pointer....i threw everything i could at him, but there was a large deep ravine between us....finally i said the heck with it, im shooting my CVA optima with 100 grains of powder and a 223 grain powerbelt - he's well within range....pulled up, clear broadside shot, squeezed the trigger........and the smoked cleared.........and he was still standing in the same spot looking right at me as if he knew i didn't have another shot....he stood there long enough for me to know that he knew that i knew that was game, set, match, and off he went; out of my life heart dropped like ive never felt before...So on goes my season....Fast forward to sunday 11/28/10...I discovered a giant thicket/bedding area that i knew would be hot at some point, and it was raining that day so i knew i didn't blow it...The only way i could even think about hunting this area is with a NE, E or SE wind...low and behold the next day we had a SE wind, so i went and sat on the west side of this thicket/bedding area in an old box blind (which i learned was pretty much not meant for archer equipment). About 4:25 i hear a loud crunch, like a big limb hitting the ground, and sure enough, i see a borderline shooter coming right at me....I still can't tell you if he was a 3.5 or 4.5, but he had a nice set of antlers, and a body to back em up...needless to say, he got within 35 yds, and i never could get a shot even if i wanted to, and away he went for the rest of my life....The 2nd gun season opens thursday 12/2/10, so i'll be out with the ML'r and we'll see what, if any, connections i may have....

good luck to you all, hunt safe, and keep us posted.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

I am still in the chase. I got an absolute giant on my camera about 2 weeks ago, the bad thing is, all the bucks we are getting on camera are all nocternal...This time of year is great, if you have a good food source, which is what i am missing...However, the guys on the north border of the ground i hunt still have a big food plot of standing corn and standing beans (which is about 50 yds north of our north property line). i am going to pull a fast one on these deer, since the property i hunt has a ton of bedding areas and CRP...I am going out tomorrow and putting my climber on the north end of the property between the CRP and my neighbors to the norths' food plot...Its the only standing crops left in the county, and if i know anything, its that these deer are definitely utilizing their food plots and most likely coming from our bedding areas...I still have 2 either sex archery tags, and 3 antlerless firearm tags...something is going to eat dirt, its just gonna take a little more effort and thought on my end. Ive still been at it hard, just unlucky i guess...

Good luck team!


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  • 3 weeks later...

alright team...its the IL late season antlerless only gun season, but you can bowhunt as long as you have the required blaze orange i took to the woods with my stick and string as well as my firearm in case a big dude gave me an opportunity to drill him with my bow..well he didnt, and i proceded to miss a big fat doe with my brother in laws H & R 20 it was me there with one deer left that didn't hit the high road and my bow hangin on the hook i had put on the tree next to me - mind you i was sitting on a downed log, not a tree stand or a every move i made i was pegged, as i was trying to pry the bow from the hook on the tree...and every time this sucker turned its head, i moved like a rabbit to try and get set up for a shot...i had the gun reloaded but i clearly cant hit a deer with a firearm to save my life, and i figured if i could pull this off, its goin in the books....the deer turns and looks the other way, i finish my movement and draw as it happens to turn and look at me mid draw....the mental calculator goes off - fourtyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, gotta be fourtyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy four....screw it, i put my 50 yd pin just under its chest and let her fly....80 yds later, we got one on the ground!

i'll post the pics ended up being a button buck, and that bothers me, but this late in the year, its hard to tell whats what, especially after a whole herd came through.

5 points!!!


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  • 3 weeks later...

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