Team 9....Knocked and Loaded


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Went out yesterday and weather wise it was a beautiful day. In total I saw a crotch horn, a spike, a six and two eights, plus a bunch of does . One of the eights was what I consider to be a real trophy. Anyways, I watched the two eights spar a little, kind of pushing each other a little. Definitely showed me it was a little early rut wise where I was. The smaller eight made it to within 98 yards of me and I watched him rip up a tamarack tree and make a scrape.

After seeing the eights I went and got my Scar Face decoy. I set that up and a little after 5 pm the six point came by. 1.5 year old and that decoy scared the crap out of him. He snorted twice and took off. Funny, last year a spike came right up to it. I know decoying is a hit or miss thing. Hoping to get out some more this weekend.

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Been pretty good the past 2 weeks. I've seen 15 - 20 different bucks, including several fairly big ones. Haven't found "the one" yet, but I've gotten a ton of good video. I'm going to try to extract some stills from them and post them up for y'all to see. Hopefully there won't be too much resolution loss.

Pics are up in the deer hunting room if anyone wants to take a quick look.

Edited by Texan_Til_I_Die
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season update

I've hunted harder this year than ever. Although I didn't get a deer yet, I was very happy to be present when my 15 year old shot a big 8 point. (Diamond Archer 01). Bad news is he's on another team.

Lots of rut activity and I've seen some big ones. No shot opportunities at any buck I wanted though. Big ones seem to always be too far.

Maybe it's time to try to take a doe, we'll see. Good luck guys.

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Good deer, congrats!

I've been hunting hard, but haven't seen the buck I'm looking for yet. It has been really good for buck sightings until this last weekend when they pretty much went into lockdown mode. Happens every year about this time when all of the big bucks pair up with a doe and disappear for a while. Should be back on a feeding pattern in the next week or so. I doubt I'll get to hunt next weekend since it's the opener of pheasant season in Texas and I'm planning to make my annual pilgrimage to the Panhandle in search of some long tail roosters. Either sex season runs through the first weekend in January, and then there's another two weeks of antlerless only, so I still have plenty of time.

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I've passed on these deer all season, but October and November are gone and I decided to take anything for meat on the last day (for me) of the shotgun season. Took this 4 point yesterday morning. I've still got a ML either sex tag for next weekend and my bow tag, but the hunting is gettign hard now. This buck came from the Shawnee National Forest and has a double white patch on his neck.


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Nice coloration on that one Fly. I always like those unusual looking deer.

Had a great pheasant hunt, but came back with a slight knee injury from stepping into a hole in the shoulder high CRP we were hunting. Hopefully it won't slow me down too much. Company Xmas party Friday night, but I'm planning to hunt Saturday and Sunday.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Been quiet here for a while. I'm out of buck tags so the contest is over for me. I still have the late antlerless only season this coming weekend and in two weeks. I still have one unfiled tag so I may try to harvest a doe, but at this point I don't really need any more meat, it would just be to get some more hunting in before the LONG LONG off season.

It's been a pleasure being in the contest with all of you and for those still hunting (if anyone still is) best of luck.

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I finally broke down and shot a 9 point over the weekend. Nice management buck, 4 years old with an 18 inch wide mainframe 8 and a 2 inch kicker off the back. Hopefully my pics will turn out OK. I was by myself so it was a bit of a challenge to get them. I did video the kill shot. It was pretty spectacular.

Here's a fuzzy cell phone pic. Should be able to extract some better ones from my video.

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That's a dandy management buck. Congratulations!

All my harvest pictures I take myself. I wrap a small digital camera in a thick sock and put it in the bottom of my pack. I also have a small flexible camera mount that I used to use. It wraps around branches and makes life easier, but misplaced it last year. This year I just find a V in a tree or a fallen tree and set it up there. Set the auto timer to 10 seconds and after two or three tries I get a good one.

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I've passed on these deer all season, but October and November are gone and I decided to take anything for meat on the last day (for me) of the shotgun season. Took this 4 point yesterday morning. I've still got a ML either sex tag for next weekend and my bow tag, but the hunting is gettign hard now. This buck came from the Shawnee National Forest and has a double white patch on his neck.


Congrats on your buck!

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Yesterday was the last day of either sex season for me. Woke up Sunday morning to 15 degrees. Pretty brutal for us southerners. Deer were moving good though. Saw 20+ does and a couple of medium sized bucks that should be really nice by next year. I'll probably whack a doe or two during the next two weeks of antlerless only season, but there won't be any upgrades for the contest over my 9 point. All in all I've had a great year and saw a ton of deer. I only had a couple of sits where I went totally deerless and I've added quite a bit to my video library that I've accumulated over the years. Thanks to everyone for letting me share my season and for sharing yours.

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