Team 5....Treestand Snipers


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Our drought finally ended last week so I spent Friday through yesterday morning planting food plots.

I did get a few hunts in Wednesday afternoon & Thursday but just nannies, fawns and some young bucks seen while hunting. Got a couple of new bucks on cams that look like shooters. One is a very symetrical 10 point & the other is a wide 8. Both passed within 40 yards of one of my stands during daylight hours. If the wind is right to hunt it I'll have to put some time in there later this week.

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Got my first bowkill this morning. A nice, big doe. I'll post the nice field pics when I get them from my buddy. I've only got the back of the truck pics since I'm not allowed to lift her by myself, and those just don't do justice to her. 31 yards broadside, hit the heart, far lung and broke the off shoulder. She made it less than 20 yards! I'm pumped and finally got the first bowkill out of my system after 2 yeards of trying.

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Congrats on the doe bluelund...WTG!

It was pretty slow during the last 3 1/2 days for me. I did see a couple of 8's Saturday morning that I have on trail cams but neither one was a buck I'm after. Both were 2.5 year old bucks. Time to rest a little before I can hit the woods later this week. After that it will be time to hit the road for Kansas to hunt for a week.

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No luck again for me this past weekend. All that will come within shooting range are 50 pound fawns and 1 1/2 year old bucks and they all want to stand in the wide open in front of my stands.

Weather supposed to cool for this weekend with highs right at 50 and lows in the upper 20s to low 30s. Hoping the wind doesn't blow hard like it has almost every weekend of the season and that the deer will get moving.

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man i cant win this year. missed a doe at 10 yard with my bow back a month ago. then tonight i wnet to a spot i have pics of 130 inch 10 and just befor dark he comes in at less then 50 yards. put the cross hair on him and squeezed the trigger and crack. the cap went of but the powder didnt. i reach in to grab anouther cap and theyu arnt there. wtf well my brother ran out of his so he took mine not a big deal but he didnt tell me so i didnt have any to use and i had to watch the buck walk off. And im havin a bad year

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I took a doe this past Sunday with my bow. 28 yard, quartering away shot and it was a terrible hit in the hind quarter. Luckily I hit the femoral artery and the deer went down within 50 yards. Unfortunately it down to the bottom of a hill that we had to drag it back up. Pics have been posted.

I also saw a lot of movement over the weekend. I saw a couple 3 1/2 year old 130 inch 8 points (both off limits for at least another year) and 6 other 1 1/2 year bucks. There was a good amount of chasing going on. Now hopefully I can get a crack at a big one.

We were also able to gain access to a 20 acre piece of property we've wanted to hunt for awhile now. It's an old overgrown cattle pasture that is pretty thick and we know holds a lot of deer. It's not been hunted (at least legally) and has pretty much been a sanctuary. Hopefully we'll see some deer in there.

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Congrats guys...WTG!

No upgrade for me yet. I had to cut my Saturday afternoon hunt short but I didn't mind. I took a youth hunter to a spot to hunt and he killed a mature 5 1/2 year old 6 point around 5:25. I gathered up and high tailed it to his stand so we could make a daylight recovery.

I'm leaving for Kansas before dawn Saturday for 7 days of do it yourself bowhunting. I'll hit the woods Sunday morning to start hanging stands and hope to be hunting that afternoon. Weather looks like it will be great next week. Can't wait!

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Congrats on all the deer! Rhino, have a great trip and be safe. I'm leaving in a few minutes for my last hunt until the day after Thanksgiving. Between my wife getting in a car wreck and all the "fun" that work is, that'll be the next day I can get out....Luckily, my wife is okay now and told me to go get another for the freezer.

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My dad has seen a ton of movement today and yesterday. He said he's seen as many bucks in the last two days as he has all season. He said he had a 150 class buck come in but didn't offer a shot.

We've also gained access to an 80 acre tract of woods that has yet to be hunted this year and to our knowledge, an adjoining 80 acre tract hasn't been hunted this season either. 160 acres of unhunted woods is hard to find in mid November in Illinois. This area has held some fantastic bucks in years past. I'll probably be heading into the new land Friday morning for our firearms opener.

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Sorry guys, been really busy around here. Unfortunately, I haven't had much time to go out. This has been a bad year for archery season for me. But the good news is I have all next week to hunt! ;) Ill be out a few days for rifle season starting the Monday after Thanksgiving. Congrats to all that harvested a deer so far!

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Congrats on the deer. Sorry that I haven't been on here much, been too busy with work and the family. I'm going to get back out with the bow for the late season. Things were so busy with work I had to skip the gun season and muzzleloader season. I'd rather hunt with a bow anyways. There is a "holiday" firearms season, so I may hit that up as well....

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This past Friday evening I went out for our muzzleloader season. Had a big framed buck (8 or 9 points) bedded with a pair of does right where I was going to set up. They ran off when I came in. About 20 minutes later, I had a big 10 point with a kicker on it's right G2 come in to 40 yards, but stayed behind a tree and never gave me a shot opportunity before he turned around and walked back to where he came from. He was probably 17-18 inches wide with long tines and good mass. Similar shape to the 150" 8 point I shot two years ago, but definitely bigger. Hunted the area the next couple days, but didn't see anything other than does. Not sure how much more deer hunting I'll do before the end of our season as I'm going to shift my concentration over to geese.

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