Team 3....The Pump Station Posse


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Well, I went out today and you all will not believe what happened with me. I was walking in and saw 4 does running from the corn away from my property. I also saw 2 does running from a quary to my hunting spot. As I walked in at a little rush to get in stand just in case those does turned for my stand I jumped a doe that was bedded 10 yards from my stand. I got in the stand and the first deer came at dusk. It was a doe and I went to draw back and my loop on my bow broke. My arrow flew to the sky and caught a tree on the way up. The doe ran off and then the next thing I noticed was a yearling slowing walking up. I drew back on the string and shot the yearling doe and dropped her in her tracks. What a hunt! Here is a picture of my doe and my loop!





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