Team 2....Team Antler Addiction


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Hey team, sorry I have not been around much. I promise to do better. Like DB, I hunt the southern zone in NY. My stands are up, the scouting is done, food patches planted, and access issues resolved. Now, all I have to do is get over this torn rotator cuff injury. Got a steroid shot two days ago and it still hurts, but I am getting more range of motion.

I've had some really nice encounters while scouting this year. I have a nice buck patterned and intend to pass on yearlings this year.

I'm going back to using my "re-pound" bow this year. It is about 15 years older than our youngest team member! A compound with all-wheel design, a whopping 30% let-off, and laminated wood limbs. With double tear drops it is easy to change the string, and allows me to shoot fingers. I'm excited about putting this 1981 technology to use with the modern-day Boss SST 4-blades. Since I have swithched to these broadheads, all of my deer have fallen within site of my stand!


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Hey team, sorry I have not been around much. I promise to do better. Like DB, I hunt the southern zone in NY. My stands are up, the scouting is done, food patches planted, and access issues resolved. Now, all I have to do is get over this torn rotator cuff injury. Got a steroid shot two days ago and it still hurts, but I am getting more range of motion.

I've had some really nice encounters while scouting this year. I have a nice buck patterned and intend to pass on yearlings this year.

I'm going back to using my "re-pound" bow this year. It is about 15 years older than our youngest team member! A compound with all-wheel design, a whopping 30% let-off, and laminated wood limbs. With double tear drops it is easy to change the string, and allows me to shoot fingers. I'm excited about putting this 1981 technology to use with the modern-day Boss SST 4-blades. Since I have swithched to these broadheads, all of my deer have fallen within site of my stand!


I hope you heal up well before the season gets here. trying to go after some bucks in the area that are 100" -125". There's lots of people after the same bucks though. lol

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I got put on this team recently, but I don't get on the computer everyday. I hunt in central Saskatchewan, right now it's bow season and I'm trying for a mule deer. In November rifle season starts for whitetail and I will be doing that also. I've seen lots of good bucks so far out of the farm machinery during harvest, so hopefully the weather stays hot so we can finish mudding the crop off and get to hunting!

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Welcome to the Team... Good luck on your hunts...

I got put on this team recently, but I don't get on the computer everyday. I hunt in central Saskatchewan, right now it's bow season and I'm trying for a mule deer. In November rifle season starts for whitetail and I will be doing that also. I've seen lots of good bucks so far out of the farm machinery during harvest, so hopefully the weather stays hot so we can finish mudding the crop off and get to hunting!
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hey guys! :D sorry i havent been on much. ive been busy with school and marching band, and havent had much time to get on here. but now that i do, im gonna share my story :)

early sunday morning, we were riding in steve's truck. out of the corner of my eye, on our right, i saw something move. i asked steve to back up and i realized that it was a nice buck. we all got out of the truck and crawled towards a cliff. it was bedded the first time i shot. i hit it a little back. it jumped up, then it dropped after the second time i shot

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Welcome to the team "sask". Many good bucks come out of your providence...

Congratulations to Christina on her fine muley. How did your dad make out on the trip?

4 more days 'til bow season for me. The shoulder is "so so". I only do range of motion exercises right now. Draw weight won't be a problem so long as I can keep my shoulder loose on stand.

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Welcome to the team "sask". Many good bucks come out of your providence...

Yeah, there are quite a few good bucks taken from saskatchewan, but I live in the central part which has a higher population and alot more hunting pressure. I haven't seen many big bucks yet this year, but I think that its because the weather is so warm that the deer aren't moving. However, when I was driving to lanigan last night to go visit with some friends I saw a hog of a mulie... Too bad I haven't seen anything like that when I'm out hunting!

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5 points on the way! Have to get my tag scanned at schoo 'cause my camera won't take close-ups.

The shot looks back, but she was 1/4 away sharply - perfect exit wound right behind the shoulder. Ran about 30 yds & piled up.

Great job! Nice shooting.

Opening weekend (this past weekend for you non-NYer's) wasn't too bad for me. I passed on a handful of spike horns, a 4 pointer, and a 2-1/2 year old 6 pointer. All were right under me. Same for a couple huge old does, but I'll wait until later to fill that tag. I had a shooter at 40 yards when the deer under me saw something they didn't like out in the field and trotted away. The shooter followed them of course. If he had came 10 more yards down the trail it would've been clear with no branches. I'll go back this week sometime and cut that one little branch at 40 yards for sure! lol At my house action on the cameras is kind of slow, so I setup a couple over scrapes I made. Maybe I'll pick something up.

I hope everybody's situation is looking promising. Good luck!

- Dan

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5 points on the way! Have to get my tag scanned at schoo 'cause my camera won't take close-ups.

The shot looks back, but she was 1/4 away sharply - perfect exit wound right behind the shoulder. Ran about 30 yds & piled up.

Kewl beans... Be sure you enter a pic of you and the deer along with your tag pic..

Congrats.. :clap:

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Really layin the smack down on 'em this year! Attached pics are of deer #s 2 & 3! I hunt a woods edge up against a field of partially cut sweet corn. Lots of ears on the ground & the deer are using it heavily. It's all about the best 20 yds, right?

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I've gotten on a couple good bucks this past weekend, but my cousins have been flinging arrows at them. They've become noctural and aren't coming into the stand locations until shooting light has gone by. The deer around here aren't rutting much yet, but it should pick right up in the next week or two. I'm going to hold out for a good buck and not fill my tags with does, even if it takes me freezing my butt off during the late season.

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