Team 2....Team Antler Addiction


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I've been givener' for 6 1/2 straight days with little to show for it. I've seen a number of smaller bucks and a couple 2 1/2 year olds but no shooters yet. It seems like the rut just shut off or they are in "lockdown" here. I have a few more afternoon hunts but my mornings are just about gone. Back to work for me tomorrow...

P.S. The fat lady ain't singin yet!!! :D

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I'm back in the stand with some extra doe tags left over from the original drawing. Was a little late getting to my stand on "daylight savings day" and it cost me. A doe and fawn were on the same trail betwenn standing field corn, and standin sweet corn. Bumped 'em. I believe they are the same ones that came in around 10:30 to bed and feed. They were using a mini food patch I put in two years ago. Could have taken the fawn at 20 yds, but elected to pass. Going out tomorrow (wed). We will have a NE wind which should work well for the same stand. I can only shoot does this week and next. Two weekends from now (Sat) is the gun opener.

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Had some more encounters, but nothing quite old enough. The bucks are really cruising now though, out this way! I won't get out until this weekend and it's the opener of gun season. So it looks like early season was not too productive. Everything is pretty much set for then and I've got a stand spot that produces a buck every year ready to go. I just hope the weather holds out.

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I've got some bucks patterend for the opener of gun season on Saturday. The sweet corn is still up and won't be harvested for at least 10 days with this rain. Anyway, these bucks are coming down a cut strip in the corn to bed in the woods. Seeing lots of does and fawns too. Moved my stand a few yards to take advantage of the situation. Weather will be ideal - low 30's to mid 40's and partly cloudy - no rain!

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So after opening weekend of gun season almost all my hit list bucks were taken and not by me. I'm down to one left that's a 2.5 yr old 7 pointer (the smallest one on the list). I was undecided if that buck was even going to be on the list until now. So it's either that buck at my parent's farm, or I'm hoping to see something new on the 10 acres at my new house. This season isn't looking so promising. Although, my uncle got my 1st hit list buck with his new rifle and it's definitely his biggest to date. He's happy, because a couple of us tried hard to convince him to hold out for a nicer buck and it payed off.

Every day I've been out this season (bow and gun), I've had smaller bucks within 10 yards. I'm about ready to widdle a point on a stick and expand my hit list to anything legal! lol I hope the rest of you are having or have had better luck.

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Those are some nice deer Centralsaskhunter!

Saw 26 deer on the gun opener. Everyone was hauling the mail. Missed an 8pt at 12 yds around 9 am, then a super huge "buck of a lifetime" who was chasing a hot doe - around 2 pm. After all the tresspassers finsihed their drives and things settled down, I had two antlerless deer get bumped out of their beds. One decided to speed through a clearing I made a couple of years ago - right in line with my stand. Made the running shot and she crashed in the clearing about 15 yds from my stand! Made lots of Italian sausage - mmmmmm!

That makes 4 deer this year. Waiting for this storm system to pass and will go out again Sunday (church on Saturday evening).

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I have not been out in over a week.. Company supervisor on call... You know the drill, you stay home you get no emergency calls.. Go out of town and the sky is falling.. I will be out this Friday though... The bucks should be going into full rut...

Wow... What a bad weekend... Never seen anything like it... 4 days of hunting and I did not see one deer.. Hope to head back this Friday..

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This year has been bad with me working 6 and 7 days a week I have not had much time and when I do see bucks they arent what im looking for at all. I have muzzleloader season and late archery still and have 2 spots that we have not been back to all year so their shouldent be any disturbance and they usually hold good buck when the deer get pressured so im holding out and sticking it out.

How has everyone eles been doing so far?

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Thought I would check in... This has to be one of the worst years I have had... I have been out every weekend but one since the first weekend of November.. I have seen only 4 deer and they have been on the other side of the fence...

I hope to get back out this weekend... I will keep you updated..

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Well I haven't gotten anything yet. Every property I hunt has now been hunted so hard the deer aren't moving at all, or they aren't there any more. Others who hunt the properties have driven every section of woods many times now. they haven't seen any bucks. i've been even been sitting in an observation point over looking several fields to try and spot something heading into a patch of cover. still i've seen only doe, spikes, and one small 4 pointer. With vacation and work it looks like i'll be hunting with my Prohunter ML the last weekend of the season when I get back (half of Sat and hopefully all of Sun - Dec 18 and 19). Hopefully the least I can do is drop the hammer on some doe and get 5 more points on the board and some meat in the freezer.

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