Team 1....Team Bone Collector


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hey Team 1...xt checking in...

Team Bone Collectors!

from what I see here we got some major bone collectors..

first pick gets the name,,cant snooze

Honored to be on a team with USAF Bhtr!

and the rest of you guys too!

we flat out have a whackin stackin team here!

not sure about jcot yet..but the rest are killin machines!

Edited by Mathews XT Man
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Just checking in and we do have a great team this year. I am in Afghanistan untill middle of Oct or the Middle of Nov. We don't know exactly when we are going home yet but when I get home I will be hitting the woods hard. I will also be taking Jcot up to Illinois this year with me. If we get out of here in Oct. If it isn't till middle of Nov I don't know if he will be able to make it up there with me. I work with him down at Eglin so we will also be hunting together down there. He is a great guy and is ate up about deer and turkey hunting as I am. I will keep you guys posted. As for a team name I will leave that up to you guys the ones said so far sound good to me. But I am kinda leaning towards Bone Collectors.

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hey Team 1...xt checking in...

Team Bone Collectors!

from what I see here we got some major bone collectors..

first pick gets the name,,cant snooze

Honored to be on a team with USAF Bhtr!

and the rest of you guys too!

we flat out have a whackin stackin team here!

not sure about jcot yet..but the rest are killin machines!

see what todd said... i work to support my habit. didn't get one last year but that is the first year in 4 or 5 years without a deer. can't wait to get rolling this season. bone collectors works for me as well.

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Good th hear from you Todd! I hope your honing in your "sniper" skills over there!....:gun2:jcot should be in good hands then in Ill. looking for good things from you 2 guys!

Hey Joe....I know we'll have some cool "graffic" kill shots from you!..LOL

of course Ohio bucks ...he hangs around with Tominator...I know he'll be draggin in something...:fish:

Washi always seems to come thru over the past seasons..

Mike "I think" has been a contributor in years past too

hunter 109 I cant remember running across...but I know he'll give it his best!

if we can all post a double digit entry...we can win this thing! Dont may upgrade from a doe to a buck..OR if you can legally take more than one buck, you can update the second if its larger than the 1st one

oh ya..blame me if you dont like our get first dibs on a name or get whats left

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awesome. thanks xt :)

so the only person i know in here is todd...

what are the rest of yall's names, where you from all the good stuff?

I'm jake, 21 in the USAF stationed at Eglin AFB FL. work on jets during the week, hunt on the weekend as long as any kind of season is open. i am married with a 5 month old daughter. and i'm originally from NC. so there now you know a little something about me

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