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Yep rough ride.

We have a Work jeep. It's a Jeep Liberty. We were going to a job. And we got on the highway. Got up to about 45 MPH, and starting shaking the heck out of us! It's hard to steer too. You always got to steer to the left.

So we were like well maybe it needs new tires. Because we go everywhere in it. So we got all new tires on it. Steers perfect now. But still shaking like crazy! The faster you go the worse it gets.

We don't know what the heck's going on. I mean it shakes bad!!

Any ideas? I don't like a rough ride on the home when I poured Concrete all day. Lol.

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I've experienced what they call "death wobble" on a few older 4X4 trucks I've had, but it would only happen at certain speeds. Since it has new tires, you may want check the tie rods and ball joints to see if there is any slop in them. My original thought was a slipped belt in a tire or a bent wheel( we all know the kind of abuse most work vehicles take:turned:) , but with new tires I'm sure a bent wheel would have been notice in the balancing. You may try swapping the front tires with the back ones just to see if it goes away.

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Sounds like a trip to the alignment shop. Brakes, ball joints, or even traction control could be to blame I would think. With new tires, I'd guess you have a worn steering/suspension component somewhere. Jack it up and pry the wheels up and down. You should have no slack at all when doing this, same with twisting the wheel side to side.

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