Couple new bucks

Ethan Givan

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Checked the cam today for the last time before season opens. We got several pics of 2 new bucks that are really nice.

Nice wide 8 pointer. Never seen him before.



This is a buck we had only 1 pic of a month ago and it was a bad angle, so this is the first good look. He has 7 points on his left and 5 on his right. I love the split brow and how his G-2 on his left side curls backwards.




Will the 8 pointer make P&Y?

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He's 16 inches wide with about 7 inch g-2,3's. He won't make P&Y(probably 115-120) not to mention he's young. I've seen some of your other pics and you have 3 other bucks that are all mature and great racks as well.

It all depends though on what your goals are. If that 8 would be your largest buck or maybe your biggest bowkill then I say go ahead and take him. It's not always about taking monster bucks. A lot of times (myself included) people get caught up in only monster deer and what others consider a monster. I say if your happy with him KILL HIM!

I like judging like this. If you question him when he's in front of you he's probably a little smaller than you want. If when you see him you instantly think of shooting him then do it.

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He's 16 inches wide with about 7 inch g-2,3's. He won't make P&Y(probably 115-120) not to mention he's young. I've seen some of your other pics and you have 3 other bucks that are all mature and great racks as well.

It all depends though on what your goals are. If that 8 would be your largest buck or maybe your biggest bowkill then I say go ahead and take him. It's not always about taking monster bucks. A lot of times (myself included) people get caught up in only monster deer and what others consider a monster. I say if your happy with him KILL HIM!

I like judging like this. If you question him when he's in front of you he's probably a little smaller than you want. If when you see him you instantly think of shooting him then do it.

Yep I agree. I was pretty sure he would fall short of P&Y but I thought I would see what others thought. I think he is right around the 120 inch mark. Im thinking 3.5 for his age. He will be a really nice buck in another year, if I have the will power to pass him. I would like to, considering there are larger bucks in the area.

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