Kinda Bummed.


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Hey bud i know whats it like to have something you hold close to your heart taking away from you, I dont really know what you can and can't do but I've seen a device that goes onto bows that you can cock it like a crossbow but you shoot it like a compound, maybe someone else can help me out with this? Anything I can do to help bud just let me know!

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Screw that dude.

Live life like you never have before!

I miss our season back there.

Its nothing here like it is there.

Keep your head up, smile big, thank God and live life to the fullest.

Nothing will hold you back Chris.

You are an amazing person with strength 99% of us wish we had.

You are not disabled, you are you, God's child and have a great head on your shoulders.

Laugh at the world and prove everyone wrong with what they think you will do.

Let me know what I can do for you.

I would give you the world if I could.

I will hunt with you.

One day, somewhere, I will make it happen, I swear it.

Smile big, keep that head high and know you are strong.

You will succeed in whatever it is you want to do.

I look up to you my friend.

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Screw that dude.

Live life like you never have before!

I miss our season back there.

Its nothing here like it is there.

Keep your head up, smile big, thank God and live life to the fullest.

Nothing will hold you back Chris.

You are an amazing person with strength 99% of us wish we had.

You are not disabled, you are you, God's child and have a great head on your shoulders.

Laugh at the world and prove everyone wrong with what they think you will do.

Let me know what I can do for you.

I would give you the world if I could.

I will hunt with you.

One day, somewhere, I will make it happen, I swear it.

Smile big, keep that head high and know you are strong.

You will succeed in whatever it is you want to do.

I look up to you my friend.

Darn straight. Don't ever sell yourself short brother. The only person that can bring yourself down is you. I know you well enough that it won't happen. Don't give up, keep working at it.

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Screw that dude.

Live life like you never have before!

I miss our season back there.

Its nothing here like it is there.

Keep your head up, smile big, thank God and live life to the fullest.

Nothing will hold you back Chris.

You are an amazing person with strength 99% of us wish we had.

You are not disabled, you are you, God's child and have a great head on your shoulders.

Laugh at the world and prove everyone wrong with what they think you will do.

Let me know what I can do for you.

I would give you the world if I could.

I will hunt with you.

One day, somewhere, I will make it happen, I swear it.

Smile big, keep that head high and know you are strong.

You will succeed in whatever it is you want to do.

I look up to you my friend.

Ben's dead on. Live your life to the fullest Chris. You've already showed more strength than I can imagine. Most guys would be so depressed about it, or be resentful, but you just keep on going. Get a crossbow, kill deer with it! Eventually get a bow if you can, if you can't don't waste your life not hearing that swack sound again. Take advantage of every opportunity you can.

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As long as you are above the dirt and not below it, there is hope. Keep on pushing toward your goals. Like the quote I have in my sig by Uncle Ted......

And a fine quote at that. Easy for us laptop goobers to give you advice Chris on something we couldn't possibly imagine going through, but hang in there, everything happens for a reason. You're a strong person, I can tell from what you post you are not bitter about what happened. That strength will carry you through your life. Pride can be your downfall though, hunt as best you can with whatever means you can.

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man, don't be bummed i'll tell you what. i've got some land down in the eastern part of the state. we can go there i've got a couple places that are wheel chair friendly atleast to get to somewhere to sit. now going to a downed deer is a totally different story.

Oh places to hunt is not a problem. I got 7 stands ready for me. Just sayin I'll miss bowhuntin.

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I can't and will not sit here and tell you what and what not to do...i won't tell you what you can and can't do...But what i will say is that you have never been challenged the way you are challenged now, and through youre strength and efforts you have persevered to get where you are at, you are among heroes... There are devices that assist compound hunters that are truly amazing, but i also wouldnt be afraid of shooting a cross bow....Its not what youre use to, but at the same time, nothing is what you are use to...Keep your head up and stay'll get there bud. ;)

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