Team 18....Booner Boys


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Ok guys this should be fun we need a name for our team.

How about Antler Addicts or Booner Boys? I will let someone else decide. Where is everyone located?

I am in Southern IL and will be generally hunting Madison, Jasper, and Johnson Counties this year with bow and shotgun. Might also make some hunts in Montgomery County if I can. Just had a new baby girl (and 2.5 year old boy) but I should be able to get some time up a tree. I have solid 180 incher on my hit list...however I havn't seem him in last 3 weeks.

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Archery opens here tomorrow. Not been getting any decent buck on the trail cams in the past few months. Gonna be warm, but a front is supposed to move through this evening and it may be a little more tolerable. Debating on whether or not to go in the morning, if I do it will be to an old stand over the bottom. May just hold out for the afternoon and go to our hang on stand in our back field.

Tons of stuff to take care of before my 14 year old and I leave for Wyoming.

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Not much talk here going on people. lets hear what ya have

Did not really get a good opportunity on the kind of mulie I was after in Wyoming, despite getting glimpses of a couple shooters that never slowed down and never looked back. Hopefully activity closer to the rut here at home will bring in some better deer.

Did take a nice antelope the last day we hunted.

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  • 3 weeks later...
How is the season going team?? Don't forget to share your stories with us!

Not so good here. Had a great trip to Wyoming and possibly took my first boone and crockett caliber animal, but was not able to close the deal on a deer.

Here at home season has been terrible so far, deer are around, but not moving around much, woods are loaded with acorns. There were 2 bucks I know were still around a couple weeks ago I would consider shooters, just got to get myself in the right place at the right time. Hopefully cooler weather after this front moves through today will get them moving around. Going to try to get out at least one afternoon this week, have the youth hunt this weekend then we go to ml'er.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I got a good feeling I am going to kill a buck this weekend. Bucks should be moving in the morning. It has been a real weird season so far with only one chance at a shooter. Still looking for Mr. Big but he hasnt' showed up under my stands yet. Good look to all the team members in the coming weeks.

Gun season here in IL next weekend. I have told my wife that I will be done hunting after that weekend so we will see about that.

WTnHunt...what did you get out west? A big elk?

Edited by AceArcher
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Congratulations on the 8 pt Ryan.

Deer hunting here has been pretty lousy to date, not even seeing does. Little bucks are showing up and doing what they do, just not much movement in the way of bigger deer. Rifle opens this coming weekend, full moon won't help out much, but usually peak of the rut here the 3rd week of November so things should pick up. If nothing else once the rut starts to wind down, may end up taking a doe if I can find one.

WTnHunt...what did you get out west? A big elk?

Antelope Ace. We had no elk tags, shame my daughter did not get drawn we saw some really nice elk and could have easily gotten shots on a big bull. Saw an absolute monster elk the next to last day we were there. Learned a bit on antelope while we were there, of the hundreds that we saw this one was without a doubt the biggest one we saw.


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