3 Weeks To Go For Moose


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We'll be north 'bound and down for northern Ontario in less than 3 weeks for my annual moose bowhunting pilgrimage. The next couple weeks will be gathering and packing gear. Will likely hold a getogether with the other guys this coming week to see who's bringing what.

Am I excited? You bet'cha I is!


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  • 3 weeks later...

We leave in 3 days, and as usual, I've been a procrastinator. I'd have thought that after retiring last year, I'd have everything all packed and loaded by now, what with all this "free time" (?) on my hands. Man who ever came up with that?

Anyways, we made a trip to South Nation Archery today to pick up a few last minute archery goodies. We have to load the modular camp onto my utility trailer tomorrow. Still have to pick up the rest of our items on our grocery list. Pick up some dry ice. Buy some new hunting boots. Service my bearings on my trailer. Replace an axle on my Argo. Load our two canoes onto my truck. Get an oil change on the old Dodge

........and do a ceramonial dance to the bowhunting gods for a safe and dry (little rain) trip and hunt.


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