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ALot of people will say Cuddeback - which are great cameras, i just have a big problem with leaving $250 sitting out on a tree....From what i have read and seen, the newer Wild Game innovations IR 4 cameras are great...Great trigger speed, great battery life, shoots out to 60 ft, and clarity on the pics are great...My dads had one for over a year now and that camera is still working like new. The next few i buy are going to be from Wild Game Innovations.

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My brother has 2 Cuddebacks that are junk. Both quit working within the first year he had each of them. One has been sent in and fixed once and then quit working within a few months. He's attempted multiple times to contact Cuddeback customer service and has never been able to talk to a person on the phone or received replies to emails he's sent. The cams have been pretty much $200 paper weights for over a year now.

He's since bought 2 Bushnell Trophy cams. They're better than the Cuddebacks in my opinion. They take good pics and he's had no issues with them at all. They're smaller and easier to carry too.

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For the money or quality whats the best trail camera in your opinion. Some cameras are good but mess up after a while. Like moultrie i like them but all mine have screwed up after a year or so. What do you all like...........:confused:
the way I have my cuddeback set up it would take a chainsaw to steal it I love it and will be buying another one shortly
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ALot of people will say Cuddeback - which are great cameras, i just have a big problem with leaving $250 sitting out on a tree

$174.99 after rebate right now for the Cuddeback Capture.

I'm running 3 of them at the moment and have had zero problems. They take awesome pics and they are not kidding about the trigger speed. I've got a picture of a hopping rabbit in mid-air. My brother got a flying squirrel on his.

My 4th camera will be a Cuddeback Capture.

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$174.99 after rebate right now for the Cuddeback Capture.

I'm running 3 of them at the moment and have had zero problems. They take awesome pics and they are not kidding about the trigger speed. I've got a picture of a hopping rabbit in mid-air. My brother got a flying squirrel on his.

My 4th camera will be a Cuddeback Capture.

not sure where youre getting your deals, but is that before or after you have to buy the viewer thingy to see your pics ($59.00)? Ive heard that they are great cams, but ive also heard that one of the newer models is junk and i think it was the IR 4, but it might have been the capture....i don't know for sure, but i don't speak cuddeback either.

not knocking you or the product - just the negetives of what ive heard from family and friends.

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I don't think you've got to buy the picture viewer for the Cudde. Just pull the memory card and plug it into you computer (if you've got the slot for a card) or buy a cheap card reader at Walmart for $10-15 that plugs into the computer.

Is that the deal that looks like a really expensive cell phone?

I havent owned one and never will, but my buddies who have em carry around this thingy that stores all pics on it and it looks like a cell phone..My brother in law bought a cuddeback 2 years ago, and he hated it for the issues it was giving him about retrieving photos and it needing some type of card or card reader or i said, not bashing, but i don't speak cuddeback..and ive heard they are great cams.

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Until cuddeback comes out with a better product I will never buy one again. Ive ranted on here about cuddeback before, short story is the last three cuddebacks ive owned, none lasted more than a year before I had to send them back for some sort of a problem. And the battery life is aweful too. The new bushnell cams are great, awesome battery life and good picture quality.

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For the money I have had good luck with my IR4. The range is a little shorter than my Leaf River but for $73 you cannot beat it. I have great battery life and clear pictures. I had a small problem with it last spring and Wildgame Innovations gave me a new one, no questions asked. Check out my customer service post in the equipment room.

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  • 1 year later...

Reconyx is the best overall camera. They are 450-550 bucks. Yes it's expensive, but you get what you pay for. Those 70 dollar cameras burn through batteries and couldn't catch a 90 year old senior walking in front of them from side to side. They are a waste of money on a trail. Great for stationary deer at a feeder though.

It's all in quality of the product you want to buy. Do you wear scent reducing clothing or field and stream brand? Do you shoot a new Hoyt, Mathews, PSE, or a 10 year old bow? There are positives and negatives to both sides.

As for not seeing why to strap 250 bucks to a tree. That's fine, you can but those 100 dollar cameras and replace them every year or two or spend 500 and not have to replace it for well into the 100's of thousands of pictures. Either spend the money now or spend it later people.

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Over the past 2 years, I have used one of every kind of trail camera used except the Recoynx(too much money for me) and I have found that the Bushnell Trophy Cam is the best. I have used it for a year and a half, changed the batteries once. Has 3pm, 5mp, and 8mp settings, very quick trigger time at $220. I have used the WildGame cameras, they take great pictures but in the heat of summer and cold of winther 4 D or C batteries don't last but 2-3 weeks. This runs the price of a $80 camera up by $6-$7 at a time.

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Reconyx are nice but you can cover 4 areas for the same amount of money with Moultrie M80's. Do we need perfect when all you are really doing is looking to see what is there or is it a contest for an academy award? Just askin':camera:

well you can't see what's there if the camera can't take a moving picture of the deer........

I put way more stock into trail camera use than most, but then again I've killed my last two bucks from patterning those deer from trail cameras. Both deer were killed from stands hung specifically for that deer and killed on the 2nd and 3rd sit respectively. It's one thing to take pics of a deer coming to a feed station but it's another for those cameras to catch natural deer movement away from that station. I also run cuddebacks as well, because although I have a couple reconyx expense is also a concern at some point.

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