A great day of pics!!!!!!


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Me and Brandon went out hunting yesterday and I was just videoing him and takin pics with my camera. I took alot of pics, but never got any good videos.

Down where we hunt is about a 45 min drive from where we live and there is lots of big hills and some trees. There had used to be lots of elk down there so they had made a game preserve. But then there had started to be too many elk and people were getting mad because they were recking fences and stuff.So they opened up the game preserve and had a draw season for hunters and then they started to spread all over the place, and between the indians shooting them, and the draw season, there was almost none left. People still see them down there sometimes but there is still a draw season for antlerless. Well anyway, yesterday morning we went hunting with a friend of ours and I didnt bring my camera cuz we were tight on room but we seen a group of about 7 elk and one decent bull then we kept driving and then we seen another bull. I was pretty mad that I didnt bring my camera. So me and brandon headed out hunting that afternoon and I just videoed him and took pics and sure enough we seen another bull elk and I did get pics!

Heres a few of the pics that I took yesterday.


One of the elk pics


Elk again


lil tast of some of the land I hunt




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