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I agree personally to let him walk one year. The problem is that this is a hunting lease I only get to hunt on weekends due to the fact it's an hour away from my house. The landowner keeps telling us that he keeps seeing some really nice racks. I am a firm believer that this is not the dominant mature buck in the area. That middle picture was the last one that we got and that was over a month go so im just not sure how much he can grow in that time. Mind you the property has more corn, soybean, and alfalfa around that any deer could want so nutrition is very good and apparently there are some really good genetics as well.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well I don't get to hunt in my backyard or anything like that. I know alot of hunters that would be thrilled with that deer. There's no guarantee I will even be hunting this property next year because it was a lease. The deer I had last year on camera was well outside the ears and you said that one was too small as well. Haha you must shoot some real monsters man.

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i agree about giving him another year, but if the hunting is the same where you live in ohio as it is here he will be lucky to make it thru gun season. people start to hammer anything when that week comes lol nice looking young buck tho

very true even where i live in ohio, once gun season comes in everything goes downhill, no one lets anything walk thats why it so hard to let good grow like this one. id give him another year should be lookin real good next year and would def find the end of my arrow.

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