wonder why


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i have been talking to this girl and she says she likes me but when i go to try and talk to her she ethier dont text me, well i know she gose to school and i didnt try and bother her well i seen her the other day and i asked her what her best part of the day was and she said it was been with me but just wondering if you all have anyadvicr for me on this

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When she says, "It's me, not you" she really means, "it's you, not me"

Stay away from any form of serious relationship.

Girls want the chase, and when you give in and try to talk with them first they have already "won" and are ready for the new chase. The only way to beat this is play them at their own game and make them work for it. Then once they get it back, step back and chase something else.

It's all a big game and she is for sure winning!

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When she says, "It's me, not you" she really means, "it's you, not me"

Stay away from any form of serious relationship.

Girls want the chase, and when you give in and try to talk with them first they have already "won" and are ready for the new chase. The only way to beat this is play them at their own game and make them work for it. Then once they get it back, step back and chase something else.

It's all a big game and she is for sure winning!


Make her text or talk to you. The less attention you give to her, the more she will want it. Women love attention and if you give her too much, then she doesnt have to give you any back to get more from you.

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Let's start from the beginning.

What's your history with this chick?

How long have you known here?

How long have you been talking to her?

Her age? Your age?

And what do you want out of "this" with her.

Dr. Phil?

Hunter109- Just take it slow, don't try to impress her by doing things that aren't "you". If it's meant to be then it will be.

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well i think it might be over she texted me and told me she wants tobe friends because she is busy with collage and work so see as it is what you all think well she likes me but she said it was because she was busy with school and work i dont know any more if it dont get any better for me i ant going to try i am just going to forget about it i hope she was just not using me i would realy be mad i dont like that at all well what you all think

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Not really, just move move on. There are way to many chicks out there to be stuck on one these days. If you feel down, go to a place where mid life women hang out. They should show you plenty of attention. Don't use "well" so much and be sure to talk with a nice southern draw.

Throw the occasional "ma'am" out there but dont over use it. You want them to feel respected by you, but don't want them to feel like your granny either. Talk about how you love to cook food for other people and that you clean up good after yourself.

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well i ant stuck on her i was just asking what you all would do i mean i have a few i can talk to but they dont like me but a friend idk what the heck is wrong with me i mean i have had older weman and younger ones well they all say the same thing as every other lady i meat i am about to just say the heck with it and dont even worry about it i dont want to live by my self but i ant got a gf yet so i dont know

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well i am 23 oging to be 24 here in oct well they all say they like me and then we hangout a few times or so and then they come up with something about they are busy or they just ant got the time or the most reasent she has school and work and dont have time to have a bf i gess you could say well what you think and most of the time the parents like me but after a few months they tell them they dont want me seeing them agin and then i am out agin i am just getting tired of getting throwed around like some toy well what you think

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I dont blame em. Guys are meant to be thrown around.

Just beat them at their own game. Change up your attitude and try new things.

I tell you what, when you are ready and wanting to be single is the time when you will meet a chick. Or, it never fails, once you meet one they all will come out of the wood works and want to "talk".

Its the classic game of wanting what you cant have.

If you act like you dont want them, they will want you more.

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yep well i dont think i want a gf i just ant got time when hunting season is comming around well i would like to find one but if not heck with it i ant getting throwed around no more i have been cheated on and they dont like it when i find out and find the guy i mean it make me mad as **** sorry about the laguge well what you think about that well you dont do that do you

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Lets start with the basics here.

First and foremost, shave that dang beard off. I am not one to judge guys (waiting on smart butt comments from the peanut gallery), but from personal experience scruff is a lot better than that beard thing you got going on in your pictures.

Second, wear some decent clothes. Nice button up shirts and some good clean, non stained pants when you are out and thinking you are going to meet a female.

Second, do you say "well" a lot?

If so, knock that off.

Third, dont go looking for them, let them look for you and when they give you attention only let them have it for a couple of minutes and then go find something else to do. If they are interested they will be there when you get back or will follow you to where ever it is you are going to do.

And forth, find the blind mute ones. they are the best.

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Kidding about the blind and mute part. Dont get me wrong we would all love to find a mute one, but thats kind of difficult.

On a somewhat serious note, and repeating myself, when you are ready and wanting to be single is when you will find a female. They like the independence of a guy wanting to be by himself. Play it cool, dont fall in love the first time you meet them, and do text and call all the time. Give them space and dont act 100% interested.

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why do i get cheated on all the time i cant fight every one well i dont like to fight but i can if i am made but i never hit a girl in my life and dont plan on it i like this girl but idk i gess she just dont want to be someones gf **** i dont get you all females at all

they are finding something else that you arent giving them. Not to be harsh, just brutally honest.

Figure out exactly what they want and give that to them and the cheating will stop.

But do not force it, take your time and be patient.

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