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I can spent every waking minute online reading your informative posts about what to plant, how to plant, when to plant, how/when to mow, what not to plant, on and on and on but then I would be fired, divorced, and never get to hunt. :helpsmilie: You are truely a wealth of knowledge to wildlife lovers like myself. My question, have you ever thought of writing a hunter's know how to foodplots? Like foodplots for idiots or a checklist of what to do each month? The calendar of things to do would be awesome. Reason I ask, I read something but when the time comes for me to do it a year or so later I forget. Also, I forget when I'm supposed to do certain things like; when to mow, how many times to mow, and how high to mow the clover plot or the steps to getting new or old ground ready to plant. Just a thought or if anyone else knows where to find a guideline like this I'd appreciate it. Thanks again!

Edited by WestKyTeacher
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lol---I appreciate all the kind words my friend. I started food plotting long before this became such a booming industry. I'm a farmer stuck in the city and get a lot of enjoyment out of plotting. A lot of what I learned came from trial and error. When I first started researching food plots there was very little on the internet. I found this guy named Ed Spinnzola on the net and started reading all of his material. He was a wealth of knowledge. I'd write a book but there are way too many now on the market by people much more knowledgable than me. Ed wrote a book and it covers many many things on food plotting. IMO he is the father of food plotting.

His book is well worth the $25.

I'm always available for question so just post away.


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