College or Pro Tonight?


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Never got to watch either one last night. Got home after open house and turned on a high school game. My alma mater Elyria Catholic played cross town "rival" Elyria High. First time in history. They never let us play them for some reason. Elyria is one of the biggest schools in the state, and EC is Div. 4 I think. (pretty small school), that's the only reason I can think, either that or they didn't want to have to deal with the riot every year because we would have smoked them like they got smoked last night. 56-35.

Weird thing was, the guy who played middle linebacker next to me, his son is now the center for EC, and his nephew is some kind of stud QB.

But I digress. :D



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I actually ended up watching quite a bit of the college game due to the endless number of 8 minute commercials during the NFL game and the fact that dare I say it was somewhat boring. I was seriously pulling for Miss St. I don't know their situation but it seems to me they need to settle on 1 QB.

They have a heck of a QB, wish he would have went on and signed with state while we had his interest. I think Relf and Russell will provide good depth in the future, but we need success now. I'm proud of our defense for not letting AU score during the second half, but you can't have that many possessions and fail to put points on the board. Poor execution like dropping passes cost us the game. Now it's on the road to LSU, then GA, @AL, @FL etc. The schedule is freakin brutal.

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