Need help with stand location!


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How far should I put a latter stand from a rub line.I got new property to hunt and found 13 trees within 20 yards that has been torn up.It is a really small woods and the rubs are in the s.w. corner along a bean feild.By the direction of the rubs on the trees ,looks like the buck is coming from the corn feild to the west.[corn on the west, beans on the south]

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If it were me I would set up about 20 to 30 yards away from the rubs.Wind will be a big factor on which side to set up on.Plus if you can set up right on the field then you might be able to see right where he comes from or goes to.That will also help set up on whatever deer is doing the rubs.Even when your in your stand hunting you should still be scouting.

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