Just a random question.......


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Oh no.

remember, they are poisonous!!!!!

Give them the slightest little bit of attention that maybe you are interested in getting to know them. As soon as you think you have them thinking you might want to get to know them, pay them no attention. Make them come to you from then on. Also, being in high school all you have to do is tell one girl friend that you want to get "that" guys attention and he will find out within hours, maybe even minutes. The number one thing to do is be yourself, do not change for anyone and do not put on an act.

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Can't really give a perspective from personal experience, 'cause to be honest, I don't really have any. I married the first girl I ever dated and that relationship started over 42 years ago and I'm still with her.

But I can vaguely recall in high school that most guys would go ga ga over the sight of girls, but not have the, rhymes with "bad" and starts with "n", to do anything about it. Oh ya! Sweaty palms, nervous jitters and stuttering were all characteristics of close proximity ecounters with the opposite gender for the vast majority of guys that I knew. I think I hung out with a bunch of geeks.....ya that put me in there too.

Most would have prefered a girl to walk right up to them and start talking to them. Heck even ask the guy out, would have been a fantasy dream for most that I knew. But if you use that approach, do it with confidence. If you sense rejection, well, welcome to the club! That's an emotion that pretty much keeps most guys from taking that first step as well.

And once you get that special someone, don't do what your mother or grandmother or best friends told you to do, and try to overhaul or mold or manipulate him. That's something that most women try to do. That's a sure fired recipe for disaster, or breakups, or divorce down the road. Ya it may bring immediate results that you desire, but in the long run, it can destroy what you once had. If you fell in love with who they were when you met them, then trying to manipulate them will only bring resentment and discontent with the relationship down the road. And the further down the road he becomes cognizant of the plot against him over the years, the greater you'll resent your attempts at manipulation.....but I digress!

Short answer, "Ask him out!"

Heck, the worst he can say is, "No"!

Then you just think to yourself, "NEXT!".

Oh ya, and the advice to be yourself, no put ons and be honest, excellent advice! Why isn't that provided in a course in school?


Edited by TBow
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  TigerLily said:
I know for a fact the guy I'm talking about is nice. He's a very good dancer(he danced for the entire school the first day) and he's good friends with alot of people. What would be a good conversation starter? What can I say that will let him know I'm interested but not make me look like a stalker?

Once again, just be honest, and be yourself. Maybe talk about something you have in common like a class or the dancing thing.

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  92xj said:
Oh no.

remember, they are poisonous!!!!!

Give them the slightest little bit of attention that maybe you are interested in getting to know them. As soon as you think you have them thinking you might want to get to know them, pay them no attention. Make them come to you from then on. Also, being in high school all you have to do is tell one girl friend that you want to get "that" guys attention and he will find out within hours, maybe even minutes. The number one thing to do is be yourself, do not change for anyone and do not put on an act.

He gives the same advise to men about women, and if everyone took Ben's advise, there would be no marriage, no dating, and no falling in love.

Talk about a contradiction:

(1)- As soon as you think you have them thinking you might want to get to know them, pay them no attention. Make them come to you from then on.

(2)- and do not put on an act.

If that's not an act,..I don't know what is.

There are too many people playing games these days that will never result in an honest, Happy, loving relationship. The true meaning of love, as defined in the Bible, has been corrupted in the common usage of our English language and society. Most often, love is confused with infatuation - that elated, "high" feeling we get when we "fall in love." This kind of "love" is something that lasts typically less than a year, and unless replaced by true love, results in broken relationships.

If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. (1 Corinthians 13:1-13)

No one is perfect in all of these qualities, but it is something we should be living and striving for.

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  TigerLily said:
I'm in the ninth grade and he's a junior. Before anyone says anything, keep in mind he's nice and I know he's not "trash" like some of the guys at my school. Besides, age is but a number....

3 years difference at your age is huge. There's no way I'd let my freshman daughter date a junior. 3 years when you're 24 and he's 27 is a whooooooole lot different.

My advice to you at this point in your life is forget the guys and concentrate on your studies. Guys will come later when you're able to handle what Buckee posted. And he's right, there's a ton of difference between infatuation and love.

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  Tominator said:
3 years difference at your age is huge. There's no way I'd let my freshman daughter date a junior. 3 years when you're 24 and he's 27 is a whooooooole lot different.

My advice to you at this point in your life is forget the guys and concentrate on your studies. Guys will come later when you're able to handle what Buckee posted. And he's right, there's a ton of difference between infatuation and love.

There is some good advice right there.

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  Tominator said:
3 years difference at your age is huge. There's no way I'd let my freshman daughter date a junior. 3 years when you're 24 and he's 27 is a whooooooole lot different.

My advice to you at this point in your life is forget the guys and concentrate on your studies. Guys will come later when you're able to handle what Buckee posted. And he's right, there's a ton of difference between infatuation and love.

  RangerClay said:
There is some good advice right there.


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  buckee said:
He gives the same advise to men about women, and if everyone took Ben's advise, there would be no marriage, no dating, and no falling in love.

Talk about a contradiction:

I was actually being serious in this thread.

Just telling her what females do that works on me.

I am still in the "game".

And do believe in marriage, dating and love.

I have and still do two of the three and am not against the whole marriage thing i just choose not to do it right now.

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  Texan_Til_I_Die said:
Pick your place and time when no one else will hear you, walk by him, smile and say "Call me."

That would have worked on me, no doubt. I'd a fell out of my chair.

BUT...I have to agree that at the start of freshman year, I would not worry about it yet. Get your good study habits in place first. Make friends with lots of kids. I ended up marrying one of my high school friends turned girlfirend over 16 years ago, been together ever since HS, which was 1988!


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