How many pellets are enough?


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When patterning a shotgun for turkeys, the best I've got have been 10-15 pellets in the head and neck at 40 yds.

I shoot a browning bps with 3.5 inch federal 6's and an undertaker choke.

I use a target that shows the bones and only count those hits, so there are actually more in the neck area. I have killed a 40 yd turkey with this setup, but it just seems light to me.

Is this adequate? Should I continue experimenting?

How many pellets should I expect at 40 yds.

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Re: How many pellets are enough?

I agree with you 100% bud. Right now out of my 835 I am getting 18 BB's in the kill zone @ 40 yards. On every shot there are at least 10 BB's directly in the brain area of the target, and the others are not far off. All in all I have about 150 BB's within a 10" circle and it is pretty dense, no sign of any gaping holes. This way, just like u r saying, I can flinch a bit and still have plenty of BB's to do the job. At 50 yards I am still getting on average 12 BB's in the kill zone and the pattern is still plenty dense to allow me to shoot with my mind at ease.

I was shooting Winchester #6's before and at 40 yards I could consistantly get 25 BB's in the kill zone at 40 yards, but the density of the pattern wasn't that good, so had I flinched, I may very well have blown my chance for that day, or the season.

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