Any Explanation?


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Last year i gained access to a new hunting area in Southwest WI. One of the first things i noticed throughout the fall was that i could not find a single rub. not one. no new ones, or old ones from last year, or anything that resembled a rub at all. At first i thought that there maybe there was just a lack of bucks in the area. But as the season progressed, i saw several bucks, even fully mature bucks. No Buck Rubs Anywhere!

This past early spring i went back out there maybe six times and walked much of the property (approx. 720 acres). I found 1 rub. a small pine sapling. I just think its very strange that these deer do not rub??? especially when there is a decent buck population.

The only thing i can think of is this. The area in infested with multiflora rose, which grows in very thickly. it makes it extremely difficult to walk through the woods without leather gloves to grab the thorns, or a machete/hand saw. these bucks might be rubbing on the multiflora rose instead of trees?? i dont know.

It doesnt really bother me that i dont find rubs, i just think its odd.


Anyone else ever heard of this or have any explanation?

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Sorry Mike, but I don't know why you aren't finding any rubs. The 140 acres I have leased was full of rubs the first year I leased it. That was the best year I've had on this property. The deer movement/sign has been on a steady decline since but I stil find a half dozen or so rubs and ground scrapes every year.

As long as you're seeing the bucks, I wouldn't worry about not finding rubs.

Good luck this year!

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