Mathews stepped up for 2011!!


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Gotta agree with Dwin...............There is no way I would even pay $1500 for it. I shot the carbon matrix and as well as it shot there is no way I'm paying that much either. In a few years when the guys that have them want the next big thing and will sell them for $300 I might give it a try. My $500 Turbohawk will kill them just as dead..........

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This is not the flagship bow for 2011 Mathews.. From what I understood this is a specialty bow that had a early teaser release. Flagship bow/s will be released in November. I have no doubt there is a market for this one, because there will always be the guy that has to have the most expensive of everything. The average guy isn't going to buy it, but there are people out there with alot bigger wallet than me that will.

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