Acephate for yellow jackets.


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Had a huge nest of them I just noticed 50' from my carport in the ground. Would have normally deployed the old "wait till dark and pour the gas to them" tactic, but noticed they'd hit the ground and walk into the hole. Thought about adding a little acephate powder I keep for fire ants. In an hour and a half they are all completely dead.

Just passing it along.

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Cool deal, we always use the gas.

I ran over a nest on a fourwheeler once..........the outcome wasn't good. I had frozen peas and raw meat all over me.

Yeah, the girls did the same thing last year and got stung quite a few times. I'm sure not knocking the old gas method, but this worked great, and if you're working on them around your hunting area, it's a lot less smelly.

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