Sore Shoulder


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I shot the new Fed shell today along with Win and Rem Hevishot and nitro.I shoot a Benelli with HS undertaker choke.After 3 shots from each load I honeslty can't come up with a run away winner.I shot from 20,30,40 yards.All the 20 yard shots were awsome and they stayed pretty equal.So after a very very sore shoulder I am going to shoot Win #4 31/2 2oz shot they won in the recoil vote.I think that if you can get a bird in 40 to 50 yrds they all will do the job.

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Guest DaHunter

Re: Sore Shoulder

The Nitro hevi-shot didnt produce the runaway? everything i am hearing and seeing is they are might wanna try what they recommend shooting like a rhino choke and constriction. JMO

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