ohio bowhunters


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Fun morning hunt for me. Got real close to shooting a doe, but she got in behind me too much. Wind swirled and she got a little nervous and trotted off.

Highlight of the morning had to be a squirrel fight. A little gray squirrel literally tossed a big fox squirrel out of a tree! It was hilarious. That fox squirrel fell almost 20 feet. :boxing: :D

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Fun morning hunt for me. Got real close to shooting a doe, but she got in behind me too much. Wind swirled and she got a little nervous and trotted off.

Highlight of the morning had to be a squirrel fight. A little gray squirrel literally tossed a big fox squirrel out of a tree! It was hilarious. That fox squirrel fell almost 20 feet. :boxing: :D

hahaha an epic battle of david and goliath

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Clean missed a little doe last night.

I decided to poke around to find a tree in a good funnel, but couldn't find one. As I was heading back to a known tree I looked up and saw 2 deer on the field edge about 150 yards away from me. The 1 saw me and actually was stepping towards me. At the time I thought she was momma because she was noticeably bigger than the other one. I backed out, got set up in the tree I knew about and not 10 minutes later I saw the same 2 out in the corn eating. Another 10 minutes and the two were on the edge 40 yards away, but saw movement out in the field. Turns out the 2 were actually fawns and momma was out in the field. Pretty sure these were the 3 deer that gave me the slip Saturday morning.

The bigger fawn came into the woods and milled around, but left after doing a loop. Both fawns went through a shooting lane that I had ranged at 37 yards as soon as I got set up.

I was hoping momma would follow, or come into the woods. She actually followed the fawns, but was probably 3 or 4 steps past the 37 yard lane. I told myself I'll try and stop her in the lane and see if I have a good shot. As she approached, I drew and stopped her perfect in the lane. There was 1 little branch about 15 yards from her. I felt confident with the shot, settled the 40 pin on her and let it go. I heard 2 sounds, "whack, whack" and the doe ducked and trotted off into the corn looking back. I got the binocs on her and could see I clean missed. Don't know if I hit that branch, or if she just ducked the arrow since she was on alert. Can't honestly say. I got down about a half hour later and walked right to my arrow, so I'm thinking I was just under her or she ducked it, don't really know.

Anyway, don't think I'll be able to get out until Saturday now. Still pretty busy with the kids.

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